CONFESSIONS of a "Lurker"... Eesh!


Well-Known Member
I was a lurker extraodinaire. It's not like I just stumble upon LHCF by accident because as you can see, I had help. YES! help!.... From my dear sister Esmeralda a.k.a Caribeandiva and needless to say, she started my "hairbsession." :grin:
This is my first thread on LHC but I'm not a complete newbie to the site seeing as I have my own regimens and I know everything from sld to bsl. All thanks to all of you ladies, my hair is now healthier than ever.
:congrats:on finally posting! Your sis, Caribeandiva is such a positive person and I'm sure you are too. Welcome aboard!
It's about time you signed up! i was tired of you lurking and looking over my shoulder.

Just like a sister, naggin and complainin :lachen:

It's great that you listened to your sis and started taking care of your hair! I tried to do the same with my sister, and she's still walkin around with 3 inches of hair and a glue in weave :ohwell:
Just like a sister, naggin and complainin :lachen:

It's great that you listened to your sis and started taking care of your hair! I tried to do the same with my sister, and she's still walkin around with 3 inches of hair and a glue in weave :ohwell:

Just like a sister, naggin and complainin :lachen:

It's great that you listened to your sis and started taking care of your hair! I tried to do the same with my sister, and she's still walkin around with 3 inches of hair and a glue in weave :ohwell:

:lachen:lmao 3inches? she'll catch on. I just love saying yes when people ask me if that's my real hair. I got tired of saying no :grin:. I can't wait till I hit waist length.
:lachen::lachen:What brand?

I might try it

I actually got up and looked for it but I seem to have misplaced it. You can find it at sephora or any beauty supply store. The one I used didn't sa "hair mascara" on it. It's actually a temporary way to touch up colored roots for dyes hair. There are a variety of colors but brown is the most common.
Hey, we are neighbors! I live in Tampa too. Welcome! Im seeing more and more Tampa ladies around here...we need to have a meetup.
Hey, we are neighbors! I live in Tampa too. Welcome! Im seeing more and more Tampa ladies around here...we need to have a meetup.
Yeah I live in tampa. I know right! my sister knows a lot of people from this board in real life.