Confessions of a former hair extension junkie


New Member
Hi, I'm KM and I used to be a hair extension junkie. This started about a month before my 20th birthday. I didn't realize this at the time, but now looking back I realize that I was very insecure about my appearance. I felt I was pretty, but I didn't feel like my hair was long enough (although it was a nice shoulder-length hairstyle). I decided to go to a consultation with a "Master Hair Weaver." She gave me quite the sales pitch. She convinced me to go with the most expensive hair weave she offered. She then asked me when did I want to come back to have the weave done. I told her I was ready now. So after a few hours, I had long hair close to the small of my back. I was excited--overjoyed. Even though I was over $300 poorer and my phone was cut off, I was happy because I had the long hair I always wanted. Before I left the salon, I was concerned about the condition of my natural hair. I felt like "The Master Weaver" didn't care much about it, but I didn't say anything because I was too overjoyed with my long, beautiful hair. I got so many compliments about it. No one could tell it was a weave! That made me even happier! I became hooked on the high I experienced because of the weave. I went to the salon every two weeks to make sure that my weave still looked good so I could maintain my high. I wore the weaves long. I wore them not so long. I did roller sets with it. Spiral curls. Straight styles. After about a year and a half, I started to get bored with all the different weave styles I did. I missed the initial high I felt when I went for the first time. I saw a picture of Tyra Banks, and she inspired me. I went to my hairdreser and told her I wanted reddish brown hair. She removed my natural dark brown hair color and deposited a reddish shade into it (she forgot the brown part). She also relaxed my new growth (big mistake, but I'll get to that part later). She put in the long reddish hair weave. I left the salon happy, even though my hair wasn't the color I wanted it to be. I had a new look--a new high. More compliments ensued. I was a DIVA! Then I started experiencing problems with my hair. I didn't know at the time, but later I found out that relaxing and coloring hair at the same time do not mix! Lucky for me I didn't lose ALL of my hair. I did experience some breakage due to the fact that my real hair had the consistency of a brillo pad! I expressed my concern to the "Master Hair Weaver." We came to the conclusion that we would give my new growth a few months to grow in, cut off the damaged hair and do another weave that matched my natural hair color. So that's what we did. I'm high again! My hair not only looks good, but it feels good too. Nice and soft! More compliments. Yeah! More trips to the salon to maintain my weave. Then my hairdresser tells me some wonderful news. She just learned this new glorious hair weave technique. She asked me if I wanted to try it out. She must have known that I was so hooked on my weaves that I would be willing to shed out some extra cash in order to once again experience that glorious high. My 22nd birthday present to myself was a $800 hair weave. This time I wore a silky-smooth, SLEEK hair weave. It was as smoooooooooth as chocolate mousse. I felt like such a sexpot. So decadent. So powerful. So broke! LOL I kept my maintainence salon appointments, realizing that the $800 hair weave was a BIG mistake. I expressed my concern to my hairdresser also adding that I wanted wavy hair that was coarse. Silky smooth wasn't my thing anymore. She recommended another new technique she learned that was less expensive. This time it would only be $500. I was excited because it was $300 cheaper than last time (forgetting that the first time I got a weave from this woman it was $300). I think you all get the point to how good I felt. Now I will tell you how I hit rock bottom. My very last hair weave was June of this year. After spending nearly $600 and missing a night of work because she always overbooks, I realized that I was in great financial trouble. Because of my addiction, I ran up credit card bills and was very close to not paying my rent the following month. This was when I realized I had a problem. I realized how insecure I was. I learned that I was beautiful whether my hair was long or not. I had a friend of mine take out my hair weave. My hair was very damaged. I gave it an aphogee treatment and did my best to restore it. I still had to cut it short because the weaves did tremendous damage to my hair. The aphogee helped, but the last 4-5 inches of my hair were damaged beyond belief. I bravely cut off the damaged hair and made an appointment with my hairdresser. She was very surprised to see me without my weave. I showed her a picture of how I wanted my hair cut. She gave me a relaxer touch-up that she over-processed and a haircut I didn't want. She even saturated it with hairspray! She never put hairspray on the hair weaves. When I got home, I thought about it and I came to the conclusion that she purposely did all those bad things to my hair. Why? Because she did not want one of her best customers to give up her addiction. Maybe she thought her other customers would follow suit. She probably figured that I would go back to her next week proclaiming that I needed my hair weave again! She was wrong. I do not need to wear a hair weave ever again. Thanks to Cathy Howse (she was beautiful with short hair and she's beautiful now) and this website, I am confident that I will in 2-3 years have long, beautiful hair that will be better than all the weaves I've worn put together. And it will be ALL MINE!
As soon as I attain my goal, I will make a hair journal so you can see my journey. I'm guessing in that 4 and a half year period, I must have spent $5000
on my addiction. Probably more--I'm not quite certain. I hope that my story helps all the women on this site. Remember you are beautiful no matter what. Don't let your insecurities bring you down. Be happy and do the best you can with what you got. Now that we as women of color have the proper information on how to take care of our hair, we can do more constructive things with our money (i.e. saving, buying a home, investing, fabulous vacations--anything that will free us, not oppress us). God bless all the beautiful women of color on this website!
Awww...((((KM24)))) So sorry you had to go through that but so proud of you to have recovered without professional help!
One cannot imagine just how easy it is to get addicted to "getting high" regardless of the means, so that living "on earth" becomes unthinkable. I am so happy you are now aware of your inherent beauty and I so admire the positive spirit in the new you. Best wishes to you, hun, in your hair growing journey.
And do let us share (picture-wise) in that journey, if you please.

(BTW, you're an excellent story-teller and writer.
Wow, KM24...more (((HUGS))) for you!

Thanks for sharing your story and it takes a strong woman to be able to tell it!!! I can't wait to hear updates from you in the next coming months as you continue your hair journey to achieve long healthy hair!!!

God bless YOU KM24!!!
I AM SOOO WITH YOU ON THIS~!!! This is why me and my mom have no problem with becoming product junkies and buying things my hair will benefit from. The money her & my poor wallets spent on darn weaves and extensions from money hungry hairdressers that don't care about the health of our own hair. The money we've spent over the years, we could BUY a beauty supply store. Sadly, my hair is so damaged on my crown that I HAVE to weave BUT I promised myself that I'd give my hair so much TLC that by next year this time I will DONE with it forever, and hopefully by the time I graduate college I'll reach goal #2

God bless you and good luck!!! Feel free to PM me
Km , thank you for sharing your story. You are a really good writer, have ever thougth about going into that field?

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Wow, I was just thinking the same thing, it was a VERY good read, and a true story too.
Im sorry u had to go thru all that, but a part of life is learning from ur mistakes,
which I see that u did. I wish u luck in ur new NATURAL hair journey, and Im sure u'll be sportin ur long, luxurious hair that is YOUR OWN in no time, and u'll get that "high" right back again.
Currently I sport weaves on and off, and these hair stylist can really be $money$ hungry, if we're not careful we can all end up broke and bald.

Thanks again for sharing KM!
$300...$500...$800 for a weave?! People really pay this kind of money and more on top of that for maintaining it? Maaaaan I'm in the wrong business!

Seriously though...that was a great story (you made it kinda comical too)and I'm glad you finally came to your senses. Yes that stylist was doing those things to your hair to keep you coming back. She knew that once it became damaged you would be back spending more $$$$. Glad you're taking care of your own hair and you've learned to love it the way it is. Keep us updated with pictures!
You're a wonderful writer; I'm sorry you had to go through such drama....but you're on your way mama.

Girl, i am glad you are now on your path to healthy more weaves or bad hairdressers...good luck with it...and you know LHCF members are here to support you whenever you need it..but from the looks of it you are stronger than ever now

on another note..yes ppl do spend that much on weaves...could you imagine how much money ppl could save if the put that money in the bank
thanks very much km for sharing yo story with us, that was very brave and generous of u. Also thanks for redirectin me this way (in my weaves are the best thread) however wen i got my weave done i did so, so that i cud protect my hair underneath since its gettin windy now and my hair's too short to do the baggie method for, so it was either braids or weaves and after havin braids for so long, i decided to take the weave route this time. Can i also mention that there are a lot of ladies here who wear weaves to give their hair a rest from abuse from curlers and blowdriers and not necessarily coz of self hate. It could also be so that they can sport a shorter hairstyle since their hair is too long for the style they'll e seeking.

Congrats on gainin confidence on yo appearance and 4 stopping that woman from takin u into debt. I didnt realise that hair salons in the states cost so much money tho, quite an eye opener!!

happy hair growin!!

Thank you all for your encouraging words. I felt it was necessary for me to tell my story in order to help out some some other women out there who might have this same problem. I was wondering how do I upload photos on here? I have a picture of the $800 weave that I would love to show all of you! Thank you and God bless.
Oh I hopw you are okay. But I am just saying it was kinda stupid to spend all that money on weave. If you had just sticked to takin care of your real hair: It would have been longer, you wouldn't be sorry, and you would soon realisze that you are pretty, and you don't have time for all those debts, and all of that stuff.
That's the reason I decided to share my story with everyone on this forum. I know there are other young women who participate in this forum so I wanted to make sure that they were never tempted to wear hair weaves. I know now it was stupid, and I've learned a very valuable lesson. I never knew how to properly take care of my hair until I read Cathy Howse's book and discovered this website. I feel very fortunate to have realized what was going on with me now and not 5-10 years from now. Everyone makes some kind of mistake in their life. I remember being in Las Vegas last spring, and I was talking to a man who worked in a casino. He told me he saw a man lose $100,000 in a half an hour! I hope that man never steps foot in a casino for the rest of his life! Remember Nessa, hindsight is 20/20.