

Think, Do, Be
Hello! I havent posted in a while but I wanted to express somethings and I hope this forum is the appropriare spot.

I have struggled, alot emotionally in my life for a number of years and that includes my spiritual walk. When I was 18 I saw first hand how negative people and people who do not worship God can disrupt a congregration. That experience alone sent me on a journey of learning the truth. I studied many faiths and was ever confused. I went on to making up my own religion and practices and then I started heading towards Atheism. On May 8 2007 I asked God if he was real and professed my faith in Jesus again.(first baptism at 11). I was working towards my relationship but i had no peace. Depression bound had suicidal thoughts. I still struggled. Fast forward 2010 Jan, I received the gift of speaking tongues at a friend home. Her husband told me that I will speak tongues today and I laughed it off but it happened. Then the same struggles reared its head again. I stopped praying, stopped going to church and i continued to feel empty. Last night, i finally understood that God's will will be done. I finally understood what that mean. I am God's creation and his will for my life will happen. There is no room for sadness, despair and all of those negative thoughts because there is peace in submission to God. I realized this whole time I never submitted fully. I am here today to say that I submit to God's will and his way and with my submission comes faith and trust in Him. I am so thankful that God has kept me and has placed important people in my life to get me to this point of revelation on my walk.

Thanks for letting me share this,

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my my my how good God is! even when we are not fully convinced of his power and in his word God is still there :) what a blessing! :yep::yep:
The best students get the hardest tests. It certainly appears that the devil did not want you fully evolve into the woman of God that you are, but you did and you have a testimony that can free others.

To God be the glory! Thanks for sharing!
Hello! I havent posted in a while but I wanted to express somethings and I hope this forum is the appropriare spot.

I have struggled, alot emotionally in my life for a number of years and that includes my spiritual walk. When I was 18 I saw first hand how negative people and people who do not worship God can disrupt a congregration. That experience alone sent me on a journey of learning the truth. I studied many faiths and was ever confused. I went on to making up my own religion and practices and then I started heading towards Atheism. On May 8 2007 I asked God if he was real and professed my faith in Jesus again.(first baptism at 11). I was working towards my relationship but i had no peace. Depression bound had suicidal thoughts. I still struggled. Fast forward 2010 Jan, I received the gift of speaking tongues at a friend home. Her husband told me that I will speak tongues today and I laughed it off but it happened. Then the same struggles reared its head again. I stopped praying, stopped going to church and i continued to feel empty. Last night, i finally understood that God's will will be done. I finally understood what that mean. I am God's creation and his will for my life will happen. There is no room for sadness, despair and all of those negative thoughts because there is peace in submission to God. I realized this whole time I never submitted fully. I am here today to say that I submit to God's will and his way and with my submission comes faith and trust in Him. I am so thankful that God has kept me and has placed important people in my life to get me to this point of revelation on my walk.

Thanks for letting me share this,

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prettynatural - I can relate to some of the things you have said in your post.

At the bolded part in the quote above, how did you come to this understanding? How did you fully submit to God's will and how do you know that you have done so? Are there any specific things you can share that shows you have faith and trust in God now than before? Thanks in advance.

I know the question wasn't directed to me, but I would like to say something on it:look:
John 6:40


And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

The will of God for our lives is that we may see Him in peace on the last day. That we order our lives by His word. Fully submitting to the God's will for our lives comes by obedience and going through our trials and afflictions.We each have a particular work/purpose that God has called us to, but that's something that we have to seek out for ourselves and that comes by spending time with God. We know that we are in the will of God when we are lining up with His word and acknowledging God in all our ways.

I know for myself, my faith has grown because when I would think of my future, I would be come anxious and fearful because I wouldnt know what was ahead. But now when I think of it, im at peace because I know that God is control and He has my best interests at heart. I was a type of person thats always had a plan a,b,c,d,e,f,g...and so on . But ive learn to cast my care upon God and He always proven Himself to be faithful.Also, I see my trust has grown because it was certain desires that I wanted but when I would ask God about it, He would tell me no..I used to get mad, for real..but now its like , if its not from God, I dont want it...

So thats just my 2 cents...

@prettynatural - I can relate to some of the things you have said in your post.

At the bolded part in the quote above, how did you come to this understanding? How did you fully submit to God's will and how do you know that you have done so? Are there any specific things you can share that shows you have faith and trust in God now than before? Thanks in advance.
I can relate to every word of your post. I have been going through the same thing all my life to be honest. I've always been a faithful servent of god but everyone goes through struggles and we're not exempt. I think we get it the hardest because of who we are. We will get broken down (in me and your case mentally) but you have to hold on to your faith because at the end of the day its all you have. Remeber when god puts the desire in your heart its because he believes you deserve it.

I know it may seem hard some days to face the demons in your mind but if you try to do it alone you won't make it. I'm glad you chose the way of life and hope you stay on the right track. I know if I can do it anyone can. Believing is the hardest part. Once the blessings come pouring down you will see that your faith was all you needed all along. Many hugs and blessings.
**disclaimer*** sorry for the punctuation and grammatical errors in advance!

Thanks everyone for being understanding and supporting! I wrote this confession and didn't look back. Poohbear that is a loaded question, the revelation came slowly, I mean slowly or perhaps I have heard it but it never settled within me. I work with this minister at my job and at times we have conversations about the Word and it really has helped me.

For me, total submission is accepting who I am, accepting what will be and having peace in what God has in stored for me. I would say my relunctancy for submission was entitlement. Why Lord this? Why Lord that? until I became angry with God and I wasn't talking to him or reaching out like I should. It became a cycle. I came up with a saying of How can you let God answer if you keep questioning/doubting him? Submission is also for me recognizing and putting down my personhood and accepting that I am absolutely NOTHING without God. I think that subconsciously we as humans we have a control issue and we have to lay it down and it is hard because we do work hard on things in the earthly realm but there must be balance.

I am no bible scholar so, I can't quote scriptures but I can tell you that what I wrote above is how I see it and until otherwise, God will reveal more to me I will move in that direction. Salvation for me, is a journey. I am a "good person" meaning that I do my best to treat everyone right, I work in the helping profession try to do good things but they don't mean anything without total submission to God and his will, which is his way.

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prettynatural - Thank you for your response. It was VERY helpful. I think total submission is a problem I have doing. It seems like I just want to know everything right now knowing good and well that is not possible. I hope to one day find peace and contentment in my mind and just let go and let God.