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i have a confession. I seriously have an ego problem. A recent trial has brought to my attention that I truly believe I am so smart and my work is so great when in fact its the grace, mercy and favor of God that has gotten me where I am today.

I truly could do with never hearing another compliment about my intelligence ever again. Because honestly, I am so gassed up that I have neglected to truly give God the honor, glory and praise due to His Name for carrying me this far.

It's not as if i never acknowledged His hand - but I was taking more personal credit than was due to me. and for this i am truly sorry and i am striving to walk in repentance. I'd like to encourage ya'll to please give God his due credit and recognize if there is a speck of awesomeness in you it's because God put it there and it's God good hand that blesses you and prospers you - the work we do is just good faith in God and love for God being worked out.

Has anyone else ever had an ego issue? How did you overcome it?
The ego is a beast.I was listening to an sermon today as I was going to my interview from my old pastor Rev Rush of IBOC..he was like when a man say oh wee you fine he was like your answer should be God be the glory instead of thank you...I know its very hard to do that but all we can do is strive..and the fact your so aware is the first step..but I know the vets will step in soon..
I have been dealing with the same issue...except mine comes in the form of desiring recognition and alccolades from others.

The first thing I did was admit it. So I commend you for confessing your fault.

Then I repented and asked God to fill the void in me that I desired for people to fill, for him to confirm me as opposed to people (had to get to the root of the problem). As, for my part...Im trying to make sure Im behind the scenes on projects...especially at church, and try not to talk about the work or good works that Im doing.

I am still totally a work in progress but what has helped me is to identify when Im doing it (yearning for acknowledgement) and to pray for God to humble me. I've also memorized some scriptures about humility and getting my "reward" on earth instead of in heaven.
I think if we are honest we all struggle with this from time to time.:yep: As others have already said, the good thing is that you are already aware of that tendency. Me too:blush:. I always ask God to allow me to have experiences that keep me meek. I ask him to let me always be teachable and pliable in his hands. Pride is another heart issue. You know, not the fleshy one- the inner one. I once heard a broadcast from Focus on the Family where the speaker said those of us with children who were successful adults or about at that stage, should not think we were/are the source of them being that way. If it were not for the goodness of God, they would be the same way we see other parent's kids. That made me think. So whenever someone pays me a compliment concerning one of my kids, I thank them but I try to always give God full credit for what they are doing. Great topic OP.
Matt 15:11,17-20 11What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean.' " 17"Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' 19For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20These are what make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him 'unclean.' "
Prov 4:23-
23 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
UPDATE: so this lesson is deeper than it originally appeared - the Lord is also addressing my issues with integrity. I thought i was so fly that i could rest on my laurels because everyone else around me was resting on their laurels, but in bible study today i was confronted with this quote from WAYNE DRYER:

"All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another and reagrdless of how much you blame others, it will NOT change/help you."

I am learning that if someone's expectations of me (as a sister, wife, co-worker, employee, Christian, woman, etc.) is lower than my own, then I need to still stand on my higher level of excellence and not get too "slack" in my ways. On the other hand, if their expectations are above mine, I need to step my game up (if it's in line with the will of God.)

Thank you ladies for your input, you have encouraged me greatly :)
I have been dealing with the same issue...except mine comes in the form of desiring recognition and alccolades from others.

The first thing I did was admit it. So I commend you for confessing your fault.

Then I repented and asked God to fill the void in me that I desired for people to fill, for him to confirm me as opposed to people (had to get to the root of the problem). As, for my part...Im trying to make sure Im behind the scenes on projects...especially at church, and try not to talk about the work or good works that Im doing.

I am still totally a work in progress but what has helped me is to identify when Im doing it (yearning for acknowledgement) and to pray for God to humble me. I've also memorized some scriptures about humility and getting my "reward" on earth instead of in heaven.

This is me.( with raising my son, work, etc.) If I know that I did a good job I want others to acknowledge that fact too. Sometimes it happens but but for the most part it doesn't. I found myself the other day pointing out to managers something I took the initiative to do in hopes of being recognized for it. And I had to check myself like as long as I know what I'm doing and God knows that's what matters. God will acknowledge my deeds in due time however he sees fit. Or He may not. He may use it to humble me which I do need from time to time. Whatever the case, it's a chance for me to get closer to God and learn more abut Him and to be more like Him, which is always a plus in my book.
I have been dealing with the same issue...except mine comes in the form of desiring recognition and alccolades from others.

The first thing I did was admit it. So I commend you for confessing your fault.

Then I repented and asked God to fill the void in me that I desired for people to fill, for him to confirm me as opposed to people (had to get to the root of the problem). As, for my part...Im trying to make sure Im behind the scenes on projects...especially at church, and try not to talk about the work or good works that Im doing.

I am still totally a work in progress but what has helped me is to identify when Im doing it (yearning for acknowledgement) and to pray for God to humble me. I've also memorized some scriptures about humility and getting my "reward" on earth instead of in heaven.

I am going to do the bolded.

I think I'm dealing with this issue as well. It's not blatant yet, but I fear that if I continue to ignore it, it will become a problem. I too have been feeling the need for the things I do or have accomplished to be recognized and appreciated (by people as well as God). Granted, it's because people at church have just been PISSING. ME. OFF. But I will definitely address the issue. Pride is one thing you really don't want to mess with!!

Isn't it weird, that there always seems to be something you need to work on? You finish sorting out one thing, and it's in with the next.
The ego is a beast.I was listening to an sermon today as I was going to my interview from my old pastor Rev Rush of IBOC..he was like when a man say oh wee you fine he was like your answer should be God be the glory instead of thank you...I know its very hard to do that but all we can do is strive..and the fact your so aware is the first step..but I know the vets will step in soon..
I just started going to IBOC I love it!