Cones vs. No Cones

Does the use of cones make a difference in your hair?

  • I use cones and I love them!!

    Votes: 31 44.9%
  • I hate cones!

    Votes: 11 15.9%
  • I'm good either way...

    Votes: 23 33.3%
  • Who the hell cares?

    Votes: 4 5.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Through the simplization (is that a word :look:) of my regi and my need to spend less money on products and more money on hairsticks, I had all but eliminated cones from my routine. Now, the only product I use with cones is my heat protecting serum when I flat iron.

So I decided to see if the use of cones really makes a difference. I bought some Aussie Moist 3 Minute Miracle. I used it to cowash and it melted my tangles away! Combing was a breeze, not to mention the yummy smell :lick: But the next hair was brittle, dry, snapping left and right, and I had tons of knots and mats in my ends! It was like they were dreading up! Oh it was awful! :nono:

So I learned that my hair really doesn't like cones. Then I used a sulfate shampoo because no matter what I did, my hair didn't feel right. So last night I used the last of some shampoo I still had laying around (found it in the back of the closet). Of course it dried my hair out and caused it to matt. But once I co-washed, my hair felt brand new.

So I'm wondering, does the use of cones make a difference to you? Do you even notice a difference? If so is it night/day? I'm just being nosey and wondering if anyone else was as oblivious as me? :lol:
I can use a degree. If a product has one or two cones AND a pretty good balance of moisturizing agents, then my hair will be okay. If a product has more than two cones and is not sufficiently backed up with moisturizing agents, then my hair will rebel.
I didn't vote because there's no option for me. My hair does not HATE cones nor do I love them. I can use cones and not have much of a problem BUT when I don't use cones, my hair retains moisture so much longer. So cones definitely have a purpose aind I use them when I'm gonna use heat, like today. But in the summer when I don't use heat and co-wash often, I use no-cone conditioners like Vo5, Suave, and TJ Nourish Spa.
I didn't vote because there's no option for me. My hair does not HATE cones nor do I love them. I can use cones and not have much of a problem BUT when I don't use cones, my hair retains moisture so much longer. So cones definitely have a purpose aind I use them when I'm gonna use heat, like today. But in the summer when I don't use heat and co-wash often, I use no-cone conditioners like Vo5, Suave, and TJ Nourish Spa.

My hair is pretty much the same way
I've tried the no cone thing, but found it hard to find local, affordable products to fall in that category. I don't want to make my own. I use what works whether it has cones, sulfates, or mineral oil. I listen to my hair.
I use everything from all natural to cones, sulfates, and products with mineral oils. My hair really hasn't objected to anything so I'm fine either way. But that's not to say one of these options is the best for my hair. I'm interested in trying a 6mos all natural products (no cones, sulfates, unnatural oils and byproducts). Maybe my hair will love that.

I wouldn't go out of my way to buy things, probably just make a black soap shampoo for clarifying, use distilled water, and seal with natural oils/butters.

I think everyone's hair and health lifestyle is different and their preferences and reactions vary accordingly. So long as people do what's best for their hair, then that's all one can ask.

I like this poll OP, I'm interested in the results.
thanks for the responses ladies. I'm just curious because I used to use cones before I knew what cones where. I just never paid attention to the condition of my hair lol.
Cones aren't really bad, imo. It's the method of removing them to prevent buildup with sulfate shampoos that some people's hair can't take. In basic terms, if your hair is ok with shampoo, then cones shouldn't be a problem. Generally speaking, of course.
Cones aren't really bad, imo. It's the method of removing them to prevent buildup with sulfate shampoos that some people's hair can't take. In basic terms, if your hair is ok with shampoo, then cones shouldn't be a problem. Generally speaking, of course.

I never thought of it that way. That makes a lot of sense because my hair hates shampoo. But the fact that after less then 18 hours my hair was rebeling on me when I used the coney product is what's tipping me off about the cones.
I use Aussie Moist con. on my hair for leave in/co wash/DC and its fine. For concience sake, I PREFER using organic, natural, no preservative options, but until payday, it's Aussie Moist for now! :P
I never thought of it that way. That makes a lot of sense because my hair hates shampoo. But the fact that after less then 18 hours my hair was rebeling on me when I used the coney product is what's tipping me off about the cones.

I see. Then again, it couldn't be JUST the cones that's the problem. Sometimes it's technique, or you need a "booster" product, or simply the product is just not for you. Cones are not meant to harm your hair. They're meant to seal, add slip, and reflect light for shine. But it doesn't always work out that way. It's trial and error, my lady. :yep:
I'm good either way for the most part, I'm trying to stay away from them though except when I'm stretching my relaxers. :look:
aussie moist is my fave condish ever & 3 Min Miracle is my fave deep condish when i add oils and honey...i think HE condishes have cones in them too...rite aid had tresemme condishes BOGO and i wanted to try the new naturals one b/c it didnt have cones, but i also got the flawless curls just in case my hair really just prefers conditioners with cones...when i first BC'd i wouldnt use anything with cones, and since i started using conditioners with cones i think my hair has done better so i think my hair likes cones in moderation...i've been using proclaim argan oil and the 1st 1 or 2 ingredients are cones and i havent had a problem...but something that is completely cones like chi silk infusion usually makes my hair feel gross and like cheap barbie hair by the next day.
My hair loves cones and cones love my hair :couple:

Once upon I time when I use to jump on bandwagons, I eliminated all cones from my regime because I heard they were "bad". Here is my evaluation of cone/cone free regimes (in my experience)

Protection from heat if I so choose to use it
Protection from the general elements (UV, sun, wind, cold)
Prevents my hair from getting overly moisturized in the humidity (see other: poofy mess)
Fills in gaps of my hair cuticle so it looks and feels smoother
I love a coney condish anyday

Shampooing at least once a week and I haver have a problem with buildup

Hair always looks unstyled no matter how much effort I put into it
Hair still has luster, but not the artificial blingy shine I have grown accustom to :afro:
Hair feels weird to touch when im not wearing cones. Maybe im just so use to having them
Cone free condish does not fully detangle like a coney batch

Cowash alot more then shampoo when im not on cones. Thats one thing I kinda miss.

So as you can see, cones are an addiction I am simply not willing to break. It's like the good lady Mary Jane, although people may look down on it, damnit if it makes you happy and hasn't done anything so negative as to dismiss it's use, then rock on. :2cool:

Cones that is. :look:
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Sensi Sweet, I"m glad cones work for you! Obviously, cone usage runs the whole spectrum. The funny thing is, my super-cone heat protector makes my hair feel like silk. So I guess I'm still figuring this out.
I condition without cones and add cones afterwards. When I steam w/out cones, it sucks in a lot more moisture and coils up nicely. Then I add cones like Sabino and Chi silk for styling. My hair seems to like that..
I am a low to moderate silicone user. I don't use silicone products to wash and conditioner my hair. My shampoos and conditioners are silicone free. I do use leave-in conditioners that contain some silicone and I use serum to blow dry.
When I first started my HHJ I bought a whole bunch of coney products that I heard of everyone else using, then threw them out when I read that "cones were bad". I just recently fell in love with Miss Jessie's and since her products have cones I have decided to give cones another try. I bought Aussie 3 minute miracle and HE LTR to start off with. I cant wait to use em and see if I notice a difference.
I am a low to moderate silicone user. I don't use silicone products to wash and conditioner my hair. My shampoos and conditioners are silicone free. I do use leave-in conditioners that contain some silicone and I use serum to blow dry.

I guess this is how I am too. Maybe it's all about moderation. Maybe I can't use cones on wet hair, but it's fine for heat's all so confusing!! :spinning:
My hair responds much better to products with cones. I tried a strict cg diet and my hair has not been pleased lol. The minute I went back all is right with the world.
My hair does fine with cones as long as I don't over do it. I've eliminated most products with cones except for one product. I don't want too much cone build up. My hair generally is ok with them.
I think my hair can do low cones. With alot of cones my hair ends up with this weird rubbery feeling when wet, then has a dry coated feeling once it dries. And also, it will be hard for my hair to take in any moisture. Also on top of that, I would have to use harsh shampoos to remove the cones, which would further dry my hair out.

So, for the past month and a half, I have totally eliminated both cones and sulfate shampoos from my regimen and I think my hair is doing well with it. The only time I plan on using cones and sulfate poos will be when I straighten, which will only be about 3-4 times/year.
I tried to eliminate cones -- but lately (partly due to price), I have found that some of my favorite products have cones. Organix works well and has cones and my hair loves it.
My hair doesn't mind them at all. I lose a lot less hair and my hair is much more manageable when I use cones. Plus, I clarify quite often with a non-sulfate clarifying poo, so I don't get much build-up at all.

I tried the no-cones thing and it just didn't work out. It would take forever to detangle, etc.
I see. Then again, it couldn't be JUST the cones that's the problem. Sometimes it's technique, or you need a "booster" product, or simply the product is just not for you. Cones are not meant to harm your hair. They're meant to seal, add slip, and reflect light for shine. But it doesn't always work out that way. It's trial and error, my lady. :yep:

I read that cones were bad for hair, so I forewent them for quite a while. I'd say a year. I recently was intruduced to Moroccanoil serum and have been a fan of it ever since. It's a silicone serum. It helps seal in moisture and give my hair slip to help reduce breakage. I use it to seal in my Phyto 9. I love it. I do believe that any serum could do what this particular serum does, but the finish is really what gets me. A lot of silicone products that I've tried before have either had too much dimethicone (which made the product globby and sticky in my hair) or had proteins like silk amino acids and such in them. I'm very careful to only apply protein to my hair when it is wet (either shampooing or conditioning) and only use pure moisture products. This technique simply works best for me. So CHI silk infusion serum and Silk and Sleek serum were just out of the question because both of them have silk protein. Frizz Ease serum has mineral oil in it.... My hair doesn't mind mineral oil, but it my scalp certainly does not like it.

Wow, that was quite the rant. Sorry.
When I first stopped relaxing my hair I was a no-cone, natural everything type and my hair didn't exactly thank me for it. Now I appreciate how easily cones allow me to detangle my hair and keep it styled. I try not to over-rely on them and I do use a clarifying wash regularly to remove them but my hair has grown with them and seems to love them.