
Well-Known Member
do they really moisturize the hair or just make it FEEL that way? im rifling through my fave conditioners, realizing MOST have either cones or glycerin in them. now im concerned my hair isn't really getting moisturized (re: daviine's slip vs. moisture thread and irresistable's threads). can you recommend good conditioners and leave-ins that moisturize without cones or glycerin?
IMO, cones don't moisturize. I think they just make the hair feel that way because it coats the hair and makes it feel slippery. That's not moisture. I try to avoid them, especially serums. They're even difficult to wash off.

Glycerin, however, is a water soluable humectant. It is in many products that provide moisturization, not just hair care products. Like all humectants, it can draw moisture from the air if the air is dry and the skin or hair is not.
I hate glycerine!! It can also draw moisture from the hair .

just had to say that again
It really just depends on the quality of the product. Alot of ladies here like Keracare Humecto Creme which isn't a bad product at all--and it contains both dimethicone and glycerin.
ok let me stop giving glycerine a bad rep...

ok this is what i believe, daily use it what jacked my daughter's hair up, daily long term use. i believe a product used occasionally instead of daily , as well as where glycerine is on the list of ingredients plays a role too...with the product that did this to my daughter's hair , it was the second ingredient!!!