Cone Lovers?


New Member
I have a new found love with silicones...sigh!:ohwell:

Right now, I alternate between these two:


Garnier Fruicis Serum


Fantasia IC heat protectant straightening Serum

I use them about 1x week. I'm still not too keen on the -cones added to conditioners, but these are winners!

What about you?
Cones I believe assisted me to acheive longer lengths. It gave me the slip I needed to detangle and not to tear my poor hair out early in my hair journey. I don't use them as regularly now, but hands down they helped me get through Knarly times with my hair. I routinely clarified to avoid build up when my hair appeared not to respond and always followed up with a moisturizing condish and then started all over again with my Cones..:yep:

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i think cones got a bad wrap. i avoided them for a while but never hated them. and cones are my best friends when it comes to straightening. :yep:

they're not bad when you're curly either, unless your hair really truly dislikes them. i find as long as you wash them out with an SLS shampoo, you're fine.
I have (and love) both of those! Especially the GF serum, the consistancy and smell :lick: I really like rollersetting with it because the fruity smell lingers and I just love how it feels in my hair

My hair can't survive without cones, especially conditioners with them. My hair doesn't like a ridiculous amount, but two or three in the ingredients usually does the trick :yep:
Ok, now I dont feel so bad.
There is such a stigma attached to cones, lol!:lachen:

Tiffers, Thats how I like my Garnier, right before a rollerset:lick: Smell is the BOMB!

I use it after co washing too if I want to do a wash-n-go.:yep:

Now I need a SLS shampoo (thanks for the tip) I'll pick one up today.
I've heard that Herbal Essences Hello Hydration has cones.. I haven't really read into the wholes cones issue cause my hair isn't protesting :look:
Thanks BJ. I am a recent cone convert and am kicking myself in the a*% everyday for not using them sooner.

HOWEVER... I must say that I'm glad I waited until my hair was moisturized to the core. That way, if cones really do trap the hair follicle, it's doing nothing but good because it's keeping the good stuff IN!!

Will put on my list of PJ.
Thanks BJ. I am a recent cone convert and am kicking myself in the a*% everyday for not using them sooner.

HOWEVER... I must say that I'm glad I waited until my hair was moisturized to the core. That way, if cones really do trap the hair follicle, it's doing nothing but good because it's keeping the good stuff IN!!

Will put on my list of PJ.

I would agree. I don't use cones to excess. I think that they are OVERLY slapped into everything!!! but! Sabino Moisture block.... that stuff is pure cones and pure heaven.

^^I agree. I normally don't mind cones (mineral oil either), but now that I'm almost 31 wks post, my Silicon Mix left a film on my hair. Sup w/that? I don't know if I can blame it on the cond or the fact that I'd done a henna conditioning treatment before and used a SM/10 en 1 combo to DC. I'll have to try it again to see if I'm rightly blaming my 1st love...
Cone Lover here! I am a big user of the Garnier Fructis product line, they make my hair very agreeable. ITA with a previous poster that said they aided in detangling especially in the long weeks post. They will always be part of my repertoire. My hair is fine and I have a heavy hand with products but I clarify and chelate on a regular basis and my hair thanks me for it.
Cones I believe assisted me to acheive longer lengths. It gave me the slip I needed to detangle and not to tear my poor hair out early in my hair journey. I don't use them as regularly now, but hands down they helped me get through Knarly times with my hair. I routinely clarified to avoid build up when my hair appeared not to respond and always followed up with a moisturizing condish and then started all over again with my Cones..:yep:


I totally agree. My hair does better when I have cones somewhere in my regime

I make sure I clarify on a regular basis and I don't have any issues
chile, if I don't have a cone and a mineral oil ny hair would really look a mess. My hair does great almost the opposite of what everybody says not to do on here. that's why LHCF helps me. Once the majority goes left , I know to go right.

no wash no gos for me
no co -washing
gimme some cones and gimme some mineral oil.
I get the most slip and less breakage with em.

just make sure you use a chelating poo every once in a while to prevent build up.

The other lady said that her last use with cones left a film after henna. This is probably 100% accurate, because I read somewhere that you can over do the henna treatments and it will prevent the penetration of moisturizers and conditioners because of the protection placed on the hair. In fact it's in my cosmetology book.

anyways- girl get your cone on!!