Conditioning baby hair


New Member
Does anyone condition their baby's hair? Today I conditioned my 4 month old sons hair because it seemed like no matter how often I wet and oiled his hair, it still felt dry. I put ORS replenishing conditioner in his hair for about five minutes, rinsed it, then sealed with evoo.

I also posted in childrens hair care but I noticed there's not much traffic there.
Yep!!! I only use Giovanni products on my boys, my littlest one is 2months and when I give him a bath I wash his hair with SAS Deeper mousture poo then rinse then I use the deeper moisture dc, comb it thru then rinse towel dry then I put a lil vitamin e oil brush and done. Then the next bath time I use conditioner only rinse towel dry vitamin e oil brush and done. Sometimes I use EVCO or EVOO
I use organic conditioners on my daughter's hair once it started to change around 5 or 6 months old but I didn't leave it in for any period of time until she was one and a half. Now shes two and she gets the same treatment my hair gets minus hard protein.
Ok thanks, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't harmful to him. I just don't want his hair to fall out and the back is starting to rub off. I figure I can slow it down if I keep his hair well moisturized.
CurlsBazillion said:
I use organic conditioners on my daughter's hair once it started to change around 5 or 6 months old but I didn't leave it in for any period of time until she was one and a half. Now shes two and she gets the same treatment my hair gets minus hard protein.

Yes I only use Giovanni products but when these run out I may try AO line or SM. I agree only using all natural products are a must
I just use a co-cleanser, and then a leave-in on wash days. I've learned that their hair really can't take heavy conditioners, and between washes all they need is oil & water basically. I make butters for their skin and hair, and I also use coconut oil. if they need extra moisture I'll spritz a little Hawaii 14 in 1 in the palm of my hand, and massage it in.
Yea my sons hair feels much better today than it usually does at this time of day. So conditioner has helped. What are some inexpensive brands that are good for baby's hair?
I do, my daughter is 18 months with very very dry hair, I use Nexxus conditioner after I wash, then wash that out and use LeKair cholesterol plus for about 5 mins...wash that out and put some oil on her head and she air dries =)
My son is 6 mos old and has a ton of hair that gets really dry so I condition it w/ shea moisture conditioner. I only shampoo 1x a month then co-wash everytime he gets a bath. I moisturise his hair w/ shea moisture hair milk and seal w/ coconut oil. My mom and his father make fun of me for the way I take care of his hair but I cant help it im obsessed w/ hair lol.
I do, my daughter is 18 months with very very dry hair, I use Nexxus conditioner after I wash, then wash that out and use LeKair cholesterol plus for about 5 mins...wash that out and put some oil on her head and she air dries =)

Lekair cholesterol is so trusty for my hair- and I guess certain types of hair- usually people like one or the other--lekair/lustrasilk/queen helene cholesterols. Btw.. good job Moms. Dry hair needs moisture from the inside too..of course.
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I use coconut oil the way I would use a rinse out conditioner and spray their dry hair with watered down taliah waajid protective mist bodifier between washes