conditioners for different purposes


New Member
I am aware that there are 7 different types of conditioners
1. reconstructors 2. moisturizers 3.acidifiers 4.detanglers
5.thermal protectors 6. glossers 7. oils.But I am curious as most of us use moisturizes and reconstructors maybe detanglers and thermal heat but the acidifiers are suppose to assist with shine and elasticity in the hair I just wanted to know if any one used a specific acidifier conditioner or does most conditioners come with acid
<font color="brown">Prettygirl,

Most of us do "acidify" by the way of lemon water, ACV or vitamin C rinses. To acidify simply means to lower the pH to a level that will tighten the cuticle, causing it to lay flat. This will cause the hair to feel more elastic and the flattened cuticle layer will create a smoother surface that can shine/reflect light. The smoother cuticle will also result in less tangles and an easier comb out.

If you look clsely at the ingredients, many acidifying conditioners actually contain citrus extracts, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), or apple cider vineger in them. They usually claim that the product will smooth and tighten the cuticle, eliminate tangles and promote clean shiny hair - which is exactly what a simple ACV rinse does.

If I can recall, there are a few members who use Nexxus Ensure (which is an acidifying conditioner and detangler).

AngieK </font>
I used the Ensure last night after shampooing w/ AO's Swimmers poo and prior to Nexxus Humectress....WOW....the Ensure made a big hair was like butter and instantly sucked up the slip of the Humectress. This combo is a keeper.
so an acidifying conditioner or one of those rinses would be used before a mositurizing conditioner or after? meaning what order are all these conditioners to come in? is the order pretty girl has them the way they are to be used? God bless you all.
I use the ensure last because you guys are doing the ACV rinses as the final rinse. Is this wrong? I was thinking if it closes the cuticle then it would have to be last right?
<font color="brown">For hair that needs more moisture, I would suggest using the ACV/Vitamin C rinse BEFORE moisturizing so that you can keep the benifits of the conditioner. If mositure is not a problem, then you could use it last (after the conditioner). A cold water final rinse also helpls.

A benefit of doing an ACV or Vitamin C rinse right after shampooing is to remove any detergent or soap residue that may still be left on your hair. I think this is especially noticeable when using soap based shampoos. Soap can leave build-up and a tacky feel to the hair. Once the hair has been rinsed a few times, the hair will feel softer, and the conditioner can really do its thing.

For Acidifying conditioners, I guess you would have to follow the instructions. If it is simply an acidifier, you probably could use it after shampoing. However, if it is more of a detangler, then I guess it would be used last, after the conditoner - many detanglers are leave-in products.

AngieK </font>