conditioner washing, new growth, stretching, breakage


Well-Known Member
I seem to be stretching by accident. I got my last relaxer April 28, 2008 and then permanently colored on May 23, 2008. I wanted to give myself adequate time before I relaxed again. Now at 12 weeks post, due to the HOT weather, I have been conditioner washing/combing thru my hair under the shower nozzle only, spraying H2 , and shaking/ letting air dry. Would I still be a risk of breakage where the new growth meets previously relaxed hair? Or would risk only happen if I were to comb/style dry which I haven't been doing. At this point, I feel like wearing this style forever since I tend to sweat a lot during the summer anyway. Input is appreciated. Thanks. :)
I would say as long as your hair is getting ample moisture and it doesn't feel crunchy after it dries, the potential for breakage s/b minimal. You're definitely right about not combing after it's dry though. Cowashing does seem to make NG more managable (in most cases) so one could easily stretch w/o realizing.
Thanks, I am def. going to join that challenge. I like my hair texlaxed like this and think I could probably transition this way too, I appreciate the reply. Wow, 8 months, that is grand. Your hair looks fab.
Thanks, I am def. going to join that challenge. I like my hair texlaxed like this and think I could probably transition this way too, I appreciate the reply. Wow, 8 months, that is grand. Your hair looks fab.

Thanks, glad to help. I saw you posted in the CW challenge thread:yep: The challenge ends in August, but I think I'm going to keep doing it until it gets too cold, or maybe switch to doing it at night.