Conditioner has become my everything!


New Member
With the exception of using clarifying shampoo once a month to get rid of build up.

I've been washing with conditioner (Suave or V05),then I use either Garnier or Sunsilk for 2 min conditioning. Or for a deeper conditioner I use Silk Elements. Then before setting it to air dry I put some more light conditioner in it and leave it in. No grease,no oils,no hair serums or hair sprays...nothing...its so easy and I love it!! Its shiny like it has hair oil in it and very silky. I noticed its been growing faster too!!

Anyone else doing this?

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Congrats on the growth and having a great regimen that works... I was just thinking about doing this... I am going to start doing this on net week... On Sunday I will clarify to start fresh and then only poo once or twice a month... Sounds great...
