Concern about manipulation of wet hair


New Member
So i went to my stylist today for my touch up and i have been doing the baggying challange for a couple weeks now. I ponytail baggy with wet/damp hair after i step out of the shower and add my oils and conditioners. After my stylist finished with my hair she said to me that i should make sure im not tying my hair up in a ponytail while its wet. How could she tell? She's been able to tell before, but is this doing permanent damage to my hair? What about all of the people who wet bun daily? Advice?
When you baggy, don't put a ponytail holder directly on your hair. Instead, use a ponytail holder on top of the baggy, this way the baggy is secure and you don't have any damaging effects on your hair
that sounds like a good idea

i was upset because i have even been using cut up panty hoes as ponytail holders and figured damage was the last thing i would have to worry about...

...i also put my phony pony on top of my baggy so that might also be an issue
You're relaxed right? I could barily manipulate my hair at all when wet when relaxed, or I had handfulls of it. I wouldn't have even been able to consider an elastic. But alas, I am not you. If you decide to continue with it, look for bands with a larger surface area. I keep talking about these hair ties made of jersey material and rolled. They don't get too tight. Only complaint is they stretch out over time, but if you wash them, they return to normal, like a shirt. I get/got (when relaxed) no breakage from them. I'm heading to the store, I'll see if I can find them so I can photo- package and all.
Only way I found to avoid this is to bun twice using a ring I cut from a pair of lycra pantyhose.

1st. Right after the shower after all the products are rubbed in.

2nd. About two hours later after my hair has starts to dry and my edged are getting tighter.
I usually plait my hair once i finish my co-wash and baggy the ends. I'm not worried right now because I'm transitioning, but if I were fully natural then I would be concerned about the ponytail.
yes im relaxed, and i have been using pantyhoes too, but the fact that she could see damage without knowing what ive been doing everyday is kinda scary to me