Conair Glass Plate Straightner


Progress...not perfection
I saw this at walmart for about 24 bucks...has anyone tried this or heard any feed back... I'm wondering about hot spots and how it would compare to ceramic irons.

Conair 3/4"

I also saw this Conair 2" while searching for the first product. If this one had been at walmart I probably would have purchased it. I was worried the other one wouldnt have enough surface area.

this looks interesting...

see them DivineInspiration? could they be alternatives to the Maxiglide?

i want one of those 3/4" flat irons too, so i can fix myself with the new growth and already underprocessed hair from my last touch-up.
I believe I read some reviews on (i think thats it) and the few people who used it didn't like it. Although I believe I read one post on here where the psoter loved it. I had a hard time finding enough positive reviews, so I decided against it and save my $$ for a Maxiglide.
This is interesting... I have been wondering if anyone has tried the glass flat irons. In theory and from an engineering viewpoint, the glass should work as well as the ceramic. Glass and ceramic are both good refractories (they can hold and maintain high temperatures) that have little interstitial space (less space between atoms, even distribution of heat) in their structures. :brainy: :lol: :lachen:

Yeah, but how does it work on the hair?? :eek: Somebody please tell us... :lol: