CON or Motions?


Well-Known Member
I apologize if there has already been a thread started about this. I'm going to do my relaxer in about 2 weeks and I was wondering what you course 4b ladies think about these 2 relaxers. I've been using Motions in the past and liked it but I was thinking about going back to CON products because they also worked well on my hair and they are a little cheaper than Motions. TIA for any and all tips.
I used CON's HerbaRich relaxer as my texturizer for years. I always had good results. I've used Motions on others (at their request) and I never liked the way it turned out.
I agree my old stylist used Motions on me twice and both times my hair came out underprocessed. I switched stylist and my new stylist used CON with great results...I am due for a relaxer on Saturday and I am definitely going to ask her to use CON again!
Do you ladies also use CON shampoos and conditioners? What other products are you fond of?