New Member
Con Herba Rich was the only relaxer my previous stylist would use in my hair and it did a good job. Now im in Hawaii, cant find the Herba Rich anywhere-so a stylist here suggested using Affirm. Now Im wondering should i just try the Affirm or order the Con HR online. Just wanted to get some advice from LHCF. Has anyone used the CON Herba Rich--if so what did/do you think of it?
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wow that's tough. I never tried any of those relaxers, however I used to give my moms back in the day the herba rich relaxer and her hair ALWAYS came out soft, moisturized, and silky. I hear tjhhose on here have great results with affirm. I always say stick with what you know. You might have to let someone send one to you.
I used Affirm before, and I must say that it is extremely strong. It can thin your hair out over time. This is just my experience, but alot of ladies here who used it will tell you the same. If I were you, I would use the Con Herba Rich since your hair is doing well with it. But please, please stay away from Affirm! I will never use Affirm again, Silk Elements is my new love.:D
Thanks for the advice. I definitely dont need thinner hair-my hair is already fine. Any ladies with fine hair have any other suggestions. Im trying to look at all my options before deciding on one.
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