complimenting your man....

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Ladies this is a silly question but please indulge me.

I am stillin the getting-to-know-you stages with this guy. I can tell he is hinting for me to boost his ego a bit with some compliments on his looks. I try to do so subtly - texting him things like "Hey Handsome" and the like...but I don't want to gas his head up *lol*

What are some ways to compliment a man without over doing it?
My man loves when I complete his body (mainly his arms) certainly after the gym lol
Tell others about him. Show off his picture. They like when you brag about them and then let him know it.
This may be a bit premature for your situation... but sometimes when my SO is in the shower, I walk in the bathroom unannounced, throw the shower curtain back, and say "dayumm!"... then ask him to do a 360 turn so that I can see it all :yep: :lick: :look: :lol:
I compliment my SO quite a lot.

It's funny I have a few friends that don't believe in complimenting a man because it will get him feeling too good. What does that even mean lol?? Surely its good for both partners to feel good and attractive.

When it comes to compliments I just say what I see and what I am thinking. That way it's natural and not forced.
Complimenting is key and if you re genuinely attracted to the guy it won't be hard to do .
In my experience men love compliments on their body and manhood .They want to feel special jus like we do.
This may be a bit premature for your situation... but sometimes when my SO is in the shower, I walk in the bathroom unannounced, throw the shower curtain back, and say "dayumm!"... then ask him to do a 360 turn so that I can see it all :yep: :lick: :look: :lol:

so i imagine he is never shriveled up in the shower lol just looking well laid
I compliment my SO quite a lot.

It's funny I have a few friends that don't believe in complimenting a man because it will get him feeling too good. What does that even mean lol?? Surely its good for both partners to feel good and attractive.

When it comes to compliments I just say what I see and what I am thinking. That way it's natural and not forced.

my ex use to avoid complimenting me because he said he didn't want to blow my head up, he don't know every time i went out i was complimented, it just made him look bad smh. everyone needs to feel good about themselves every now and then. people who say they don't want to blow people's head up sound like they think the person will leave them because they look so good or get told often
when AF was almost due and i got a breakout(one big red behind pimple) i felt like a ugly witch! i was driving off into the sunset from dropping him off to work(lol) he told me i looked gorgeous and i started to feel much better lol
With my exes, if they were wearing something I liked, I'd make a remark about them being sexy. They'd act all embarrassed, but I know they were eating it up, LOL. I've complimented on their strength and even intelligence/smarts, etc. It kinda depends on the situation and also genuinely meaning it.

ETA: If you don't to be to go the sexy route, then saying he looks dapper/debonair/dashing is always good.
I compliment guys all the time. I think its cute because you can see their head swell up, their egos are so fragile lol. Basically whatever I notice, fresh haircut... nice shirt/shoes/tie/outfit. I compliment if their arms look nice in their shirt, I'll tell my guy friends if they look particularly handsome one day, if they smell especially good, if they explained something well...

Sexy compliments are only for a person I'm intimate with and I'm not sharing those with y'all lol
Ladies this is a silly question but please indulge me.

I am stillin the getting-to-know-you stages with this guy. I can tell he is hinting for me to boost his ego a bit with some compliments on his looks. I try to do so subtly - texting him things like "Hey Handsome" and the like...but I don't want to gas his head up *lol*

What are some ways to compliment a man without over doing it?

What does he do to show you he wants to be complimented?
men are little boys at heart and love compliments, they remember each one very well. so when they act up dish out the other side of the coin. it's all very very effective.
I'm reading a great book that touches on that very subject. It was written in the 80's called "Light His Fire" you should check it out.
men are little boys at heart and love compliments, they remember each one very well. so when they act up dish out the other side of the coin. it's all very very effective.


What do you mean by other side? Harsh words or just no compliments?

What do you mean by other side? Harsh words or just no compliments?

Balance is better. a man appreciates when you tell him the good and the bad, even when it hurts his feeling at times. So when he is not looking good, breath is bad or nose is dirty tell him that as well. Therefore when you tell him he is looking good then he knows you are telling the truth,
Complimenting a man is not hard at all for me lol.. just let it come naturally. I even compliment the men I work with, I notice when my bosses get new hair cuts or a tan or something and I'll let them know I notice. Or if someone is dressed nice, I let them know. Allll of my ex's I compliment. It doesn't have to be forced, I just notice the little things and let them know. My ex's have all told me that the I compliment them and notice things, other women never really paid attention to. For me, I love when a man has a fresh hair cut, I'll compliment any man on that lol. It could be his smile, his arms, a personality trait, if he smells good :lick:, his outfit is nice, if something fits him well :yep:, something he does well, etc. The list is endless :yep:

Glib if you're feeling this guy and things are going well, next time you see him, casually compliment him on something. Don't let it be forced, just tap into your friendly/flirtatious/genuine side and compliment him.
Why don't you want to gas his head up? LOL! If he's looking good, tell him. Just dropped some science, tell him. Has a great smile, tell him. Catch my drift? I love to compliment people. And for some reason if I feel something positive and don't share it, it bugs me. I saw a man walking by a while ago and he looked sharp. Sharp but ticked off! I told him and he looked like I gave him some sun. He was so happy! Walked off so upbeat!

We went to Gucci and Hugo Boss (on Sunday) and my SO tried on a jacket and he was looking so ---------> :lick: and he was blushing like a young man at how amazed I looked when he came out of the dressing room. I then went on to tell the sales lady what a phenomenal dresser he is and how much I value his opinion on what I wear. His head was growing like a balloon. It was so dang cute. When we left he gave me $50 for gas. :look: :lol: I must have made him feel really good.

I tell my SO whatever I find to be attractive or good about him. I love to express myself with my loved ones, heck even strangers! As long as I am being genuine, I let 'er rip! LOL!!!
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Why don't you want to gas his head up? LOL! If he's looking good, tell him. Just dropped some science, tell him. Has a great smile, tell him. Catch my drift? I love to compliment people. And for some reason if I feel something positive and don't share it, it bugs me. I saw a man walking by a while ago and he looked sharp. Sharp but ticked off! I told him and he looked like I gave him some sun. He was so happy! Walked off so upbeat!

We went to Gucci and Hugo Boss (on Sunday) and my SO tried on a jacket and he was looking so ---------> :lick: and he was blushing like a young man at how amazed I looked when he came out of the dressing room. I then went on to tell the sales lady what a phenomenal dresser he is and how much I value his opinion on what I wear. His head was growing like a balloon. It was so dang cute. When we left he gave me $50 for gas. :look: :lol: I must have made him feel really good.

I tell my SO whatever I find to be attractive or good about him. I love to express myself with my loved ones, heck even strangers! As long as I am being genuine, I let 'er rip! LOL!!!

ALL THIS! He laps it up. He once made a comment that no other woman has ever complimented him like I do. We want the same why wouldn't he want to feel wanted and appreciated?
Why don't you want to gas his head up? LOL! If he's looking good, tell him. Just dropped some science, tell him. Has a great smile, tell him. Catch my drift? I love to compliment people. And for some reason if I feel something positive and don't share it, it bugs me. I saw a man walking by a while ago and he looked sharp. Sharp but ticked off! I told him and he looked like I gave him some sun. He was so happy! Walked off so upbeat!

We went to Gucci and Hugo Boss (on Sunday) and my SO tried on a jacket and he was looking so ---------> :lick: and he was blushing like a young man at how amazed I looked when he came out of the dressing room. I then went on to tell the sales lady what a phenomenal dresser he is and how much I value his opinion on what I wear. His head was growing like a balloon. It was so dang cute. When we left he gave me $50 for gas. :look: :lol: I must have made him feel really good.

I tell my SO whatever I find to be attractive or good about him. I love to express myself with my loved ones, heck even strangers! As long as I am being genuine, I let 'er rip! LOL!!!

Same here.... when I find something worth complimenting, I have to let it out :lol:
I started a little random tradition to compliment him every time he gets a hair cut. I go on and on about how handsome he looks. He about I messed around and didn't compliment him one time and he eventually brought it up that I didn't say he looked handsome. :giggle: So yeah, they love compliments.
the funniest thing happen the other day. my friend walked by and i did what one of the posters said here, but in my version. I said whewwwwwwee look at dat booty, turn around baby let me see of course he didn't so I made it worse and said that must've been jam cause jelly don't "move" like that. he said I ain't no girl while blushing. that tickled me. your words can turn your man into putty in your hands.

Also when we first met i use to compliment him all the time, so much so he became addicted to my compliments and one day he said no one has ever complimented me are said to me the things you've said.

Its easy for me, you can throw it in when you show your appreciation for the little things:
-if he does something nice "wow, you're so thoughtful"
-carries a suitcase/groceries or opens a wine bottle/jar brings in the groceries "omg, how did you even lift that?" or "that was really heavy, you're amazing! thanks so much"
-says something witty "haha, how are you so funny???"

You can do it indirectly by asking him for help on stuff-"hmm... this is really hard, maybe you could figure it out?" or "oh, i have this issue I really need your opinion on..."

Or when he takes you out somewhere "wow, this is really nice! how did you did you find this?"

I know it might read corny as hell, but its really easy and its so effective, you can see their head just start to swell, they'll stand a little straighter, its so cute but kind of sad almost.
Great Thread! I compliment my SO all the time, but I am starting to feel like a broken record....You look handsome, Thanks for XYZ, You look/smell nice, etc. I am running out of things to say! LOL