Compliment or "Slap In The Face"? (LONG VENT & QUESTION)


New Member
Hey all!

I had a strange occurence the other day and i'm still not sure what to make of it... the other day I washed my hair in the morning as i do everyday (i'm one of those 3C's that have to wet their hair daily if they are going out into public at all), then i used organic coconut oil to moisturize and then when i found out i was going out (i had fallen asleep after i did my hair and it dried) i wet it and i had the most CURLIEST curls ever that fell over one shoulder and met lower than my chest.

well i was waiting for public transportation later on in the day. My hair had managed to dry more than 85% at the time and the curl pattern was better than usual for me...well i ended up talking to a lady (she was mexican) and the first question she had for me (in broken english) was "is that a (and then she started making gestures to her hair roots)?" i blinked thinking what the hell was she talking about? then i realized she was asking me if i had WEAVE!!!

i said "no its not- its my own hair" and she said "ohhhh" and then she asked in broken english "is it really that curly?" and i nodded. she then asked me "what are you?" and i told her i was black and rican and she said "ohhhhhh...." so basically she, for the next few minutes, interrogated me as to whether it was my hair or not. then it got worse, fast- she randomnly without asking tugged at my new growth!! :eek::eek: like i was lying!?!?! :mad: who does sh*t like that? i mean really- you're going to tug at someones hair (mind you not too softly for that matter) and see if they are telling the truth. then she mentioned something about "a lot of girls *i'm assuming she meant my people* using a lot of (and she made that damn hair gesture again to show she was talking about weave)...

then we got on the train and she asked me if i'd sit with her so i said "okay"...then in what seemed like the longest 10-15 minute conversation she continued to talk about my hair "your dad is rican?" i said "no, my mom is" then she proceeded to ask me if i had any pictures. i said "yes" and actually (i don't know what i was thinking...) whipped out my cell and showed her pictures- a terribly grainy picture of my mom and she said "ohhh she don't look rican" and i glared at her (mind you ricans come in all colors and sizes and i don't even know why she made that observation). She said "you look dominicana.." i smiled and shook my head (every spanish person i run into thinks i'm dominican because i'm not pasty light...ughhh and thats all a terrible misconception) then she tugged on my hair again (at the ends which were feeling like butter that day) was talking about how "i like your hair, i wish i had" and i smiled and said "i like your hair" (i'm assuming she was a 2B at least, coarse only because she seemed to lighten her hair) and she smiled and then continued to ask me "why does here (the roots) look different (i'm assuming another hint at whether i was wearing weave or not) and i explained i'm growing out a relaxer to cut it. she said "nooooo don't cut's very nice long. men like long hair.."...
and then i smiled....

shortly thereafter i got off the train and walked my merry way....and i still don't know what to make of that conversation!! was she just plain talking to me to offend me because she was trying to hurt me or was she genuinely interested and curious which is why she asked so many questions? sigh....i didn't even know what to make of that because whenever someone talks to me about my hair its hard for me to find someone that doesn't give out backhanded comments! what do you ladies think? should i perceive this as garden-variety ignorance or as plain wonder?
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1-I hate when people try to doubt your ethnicity after you tell them and they insist on you having to be something else.

2-Anyway, as far as your post- :lol: . It's funny how when people catch us off-guard, we do things that are out of character. Example: not cursing her out for randomly touching your hair AND show her the picture of your mom.
I think you are a glutton for punishment. :lol: I wouldn't wasted some much time with her. Some folks want to believe what they want to believe.
goldensensation said:
1-I hate when people try to doubt your ethnicity after you tell them and they insist on you having to be something else.

2-Anyway, as far as your post- :lol: . It's funny how when people catch us off-guard, we do things that are out of character. Example: not cursing her out for randomly touching your hair AND show her the picture of your mom.

hahahaha about #1- you read my mind on that one! thats been my life in a nutshell. most people (ehhh i'd say 80% think i'm "mixed with something" yet i'm not "black enough" for people to think i'm just black, and i'm not "rican enough" for people to think that i'm actually rican, 10% usually think i'm lying about my race and that its impossible for me to look the way i do, and 10% think i really am both races but i'm lying about the decent of my spanish family and them being rican....that "i'm spanish enough to look dominican but CERTAINLY NOT enough to look rican" and thats when i tell people my real cultural make-up...then when i try to just say i'm 100% black (because i'm not up for the b*ll**** somedays) people say thats impossible or i MUST have native american in my family...

and about #2- that was definitely out of character for me! i don't just whip out my cellphone to disprove people but i was pissed and starting to get worked up especially since she touched my hair so i felt i had to show a picture...i should've cursed her a** out because the area where i'm from, you don't just touch all up on people like that....otherwise you're asking to get killed...and funny how i reduced myself to prove something and the trick STILL DIDN'T believe me... :mad::mad:
Country gal said:
I think you are a glutton for punishment. :lol: I wouldn't wasted some much time with her. Some folks want to believe what they want to believe.

i agree with you country gal- its just been an ongoing thing in my life yet all the times i've been bothered like that i've never reduced myself so low but its always been a battle with people talking to me like that....i shouldn't have wasted my time. shoot i don't even know why i kept talking to her. it was a weird situation so i didn't really know how to handle it....but thats what kills me country- if they want to believe what they want to believe then why the hell do you waste your time trying to get to the bottom of something if you dont want to believe what you come back to the surface with? welll unless you're just ignorant...:lol:
It sounds like she was sincerely curious, but not with a great deal of intelligence or home training.
Although rather tactless, she seemed genuinely curious about your hair and meant no disrespect. But I just dont get why some people feel that they can go up to complete strangers and touch, grab, dig through, etc another person's hair like that! I dunno to me that I feel it is as intrusive as lifting up someone's skirt and peeking what she got up there!
I just think this lady was just ignorant meaning she didn't know any better. Because you dont just touch people's hair and you definitely don't question their ethnicity after they just told you what they are. :nono: I think she liked your hair but she was probably in disbelief. Some races don't believe black girls can have long pretty hair. Like its strange to see that so they ask if its a weave. It makes ya mad but unfortunately its a stereotype against us that we are trying to dismiss.

But I wouldn't be too offended...I just pass them off as being ignorant. However, I would be pissed that she put her hand in my hair and questioning your ethnicity.

Like I said she was ignorant.
I agree 100% with Supergirl on this one..:)

As far as race and hair texture: husband is Mexicano, but he's my complexion..his sisters are very light though, and I know plenty of times ..including at our wedding..his and her friends would ask if I'm mixed because of my color.. but they would be told no, i'm Black;) And still for months this question would come they are not satisfied with the answer:ohwell: question is Why should it matter? If people are trying to give a compliment, then they should just give it and keep it moving!
Supergirl said:
It sounds like she was sincerely curious, but not with a great deal of intelligence or home training.

I agree. It doesn't sound like she was being malice just ignorant.
Basically, a compliment on all sides....

First of all, your pretty hair caught her attention. Second, apparently you give off a good, approachable vibe for her to come and converse with you. I agree with those who said she had a genuine curiosity... she was just, shall we say, OPEN about her articulating of her inquiry ;)....

Sure, you probably could have cut the convo short if you didn't want to be bothered, but just about anytime you can "school" somebody and break some stereotypes and correct some myths about things, then go for it.
I think it was a little of both ignorance and wonder. I think she was probably very curious about your hair and ethnicity, but she had horrible manners. It's bad enough to ask a stranger if her hair is real, but question someone's ethnicity? :nono: There are people that I've known for years that I wouldn't ask those questions. I hope you don't feel bad about it. Because people of color come in so many different shades and with so many different hair textures, I think it evokes curiosity in a lot of people. Unfortunately, many of them have no manners. :lol:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Although she loses soo many points for tactlessness, give her a couple back because she couldnt express herself properly.

I remember when I had long thick black hair *sigh* and this lady thought that I was a dark skinned indian girl. Quite surprising to see that I had two black parents, but I have east indian roots from my granny and all the women in our family had really nice thick hair as a result, I'm assuming.

If I were you, I'd be kinda blown away first cos I'd never be able to walk up to someone and tug on their hair. :lol:
Then I think I'd be kinda happy that someone expresses their admiration for my hair.
THEN... I'd be kinda pissed because she's trying to call me a liar :lol: :lol: :lol:
She was probably just curious but that was still rude and distasteful. I've never had anyone feel my head for tracks though. I've rarely had people touch it for that matter. IDK maybe it's bc I generally look mean in public. I only do that to ward fools off from trying to hit on me. :lol: And sadly most days it still doesn't work... :ohwell:
Country gal said:
I think you are a glutton for punishment. :lol: I wouldn't wasted some much time with her. Some folks want to believe what they want to believe.
Yeah....ain't no way I would have had that whole long conversation with her. I'm just not patient like that with ppl I don't even know:lol: But somewhere in there was a complement.