Complete Newbie. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey out there ppl! Im a COMPLETE newbie to this entire LHCF thing, as well as with growing my hair out altogether. Ive had a SHORT cut since I was 16 (almost 8 years now) and have kept it no longer than right below my earlobe the entire time. Now I think Im ready to grow my hair for a change.... :perplexed

I dont know my exact hair type yet (I have a relaxer but my newgrowth is always very wavy) but Im gonna try to figure that out to learn how to care for my hair. I just ordered some Boundless Tresses a min ago (someone suggested it to me w/ rave reviews) so hopefully that will assist. Other than that I have NO clue where to start. I workout 4 times a week (which is another reason I kept my hair short becuz it was so easy to take care of) so its going to be a little hard not to trim it like I usually do to keep the style neat. Ive just been kind of reading thru threads here looking for ideas, etc to help this process.

I guess Im just giving out as much info as I can to get feedback/direction on where to go or what to do. Everyone here seems extremely nice and helpful which is very heartwarming. I wish you all a great Friday (YEEEEEAH!) and hope to really enjoy myself here!! :grin: :grin:
Welcome!! :)

You will find a wealth of information. I wish you much success on your hair journey. My suggestion would be to set small reachable hair goals. If you do not know your hair, get to know it and how it responds to shampoo's conditioners, techniques...etc. You will find that there are many many products to try and choose. Once you get a regimen, stick with it so that you can reap the results of your efforts. You may even find a hair twin on the board and can buddy up with them for some personal support.;)

Welcome Kels, to LHCF!

I can say that you will love it here and learn more than you can handle. The girls of LHCF are the Boom!

I agree with RZ, find a simple regimen and say put. This board causes product junkies to come out. Just be strong.

Welcome!!! I agree with whats being said find a simple regimine and stick with it. When you try products try them for a few months at a time instead of switiching it up every few weeks so you know what works for you:) Happy Hair Growing!!!
welcome!!! the link preciousjewel posted will tell you everything you need to get started. Then you can explore from there and find sooo much info on this board