Comments said about your Natural Hair??


New Member
I have curly hair with a mix of 3c/4a and have been wearing it natural off and on for the past 7 years. I recently have been wearing it curly at all times trying to give it a break from the Flat Iron and blow dryer.

Comments can get quite annoying sometimes and quite often I hear:
"What kind of perm do you have?"
"did you roller set?"
"I didn't know you had that kind of hair!!"
"wow you can do all sorts of things with your hair"
"How did you get your hair like that?"

Granted, i take some of these as complements which is great. But others to me sound like "I thought all African Americans have the same texture hair". I feel as if people are not aware that we come in all colors, shapes, sizes, and even hair types, just as any other race.

But what does it mean when people say "I didn't know you had THAT kind of hair?"

The comments don't stop at curly hair...when I did wear it flat ironed I always heard "What kind of perm is that?" not "do you have a perm?" they just automatically assume its permed....again, not every AA has a perm or even a weave in their hair..

And this is nothing to pull my hair out over..believe me I've got bigger fish to fry! I find it funny. but just wondering what are some of the different things you hear about your natural hair?
Things I get about my hair is:
What texurizer/curl did you use? There's nothing wrong with texurizer or curl but people assume way too much.
How do you get your hair like that? Like what?
You can do that bc you have that"good hair" ...crickets

These are just a few but it does get annoying bc I'm like Huh!?!
I get... "Is that a braid out?" :nono: "Is that a twist out?" :ohwell:

and my all time favorite... "How did you get your hair to curl like that? whatever you're using, i need!" :perplexed
I get weird questions whenever I wear my hair out.

"How in the world do you get all that hair in those braids/bun/ponytail??"
"Is all that hair hot?"
"Do you have to use a lot of shampoo/condish/gel?"
"Do you lose hair pins?"
"Are hair pins/clips/scrunchies strong enough to hold all of that?"
"Does it take you hours to flat iron it??"

Sent from my Android...Boom.
I have a manager at my job that constantly tells me that my grade of hair "sucks" and that I "need to get a perm or something to help me with my hair".

He's black. =(
"Your hair looks fake."
"Your buns/ponytails are so thick."
"When are you going to straighten your hair?"
"I don't have as much time on my hands as you do, so I can't be natural."
"How long is your hair?"
"Can I touch it?" Will you let me pull one of your curls?"

I always say no to the last question and one of my co-workers always tries to pull my hair to do a length check anyway. Well one day she snuck up behind me in the car park and pulled my hair (which of course made me think I was about to be abducted; too much Criminal Minds :nono: :lol:) but the real surprise was on her when my elbow/arm made contact with her face.
-how did you put the curls in?
-hey, there's this spoken word event..
-what do you put in it?
-how often do you wash it?
-is it soft?
-how do you get it so curly?
I have a manager at my job that constantly tells me that my grade of hair "sucks" and that I "need to get a perm or something to help me with my hair".

He's black. =(
OMG jenny87! What an ignorant jerk.

Sadly, I also get this kind of reaction exclusively from black men. They are all over me when I'm wearing a silky straight wig, though :rolleyes: :nono:

From a jamaican woman coworker: "I don't know how you can wear that mess without a wig! I could never be nappy!" (she relaxes, including her many bald spots):look::perplexed
I'll start by saying im a STRAIGHTENED natural, I barely see my hair in its natural state. However because of this forum i've been more interested in my natural hair so have had a slight play around with it just this week.. which I am hoping to continue.

Boyfriend: omg its so mixed race (i.e. he didn't realise how curly it was haha)

Next day boyfriend: it looks so healthy!
Same day boyfriend: Yes it would definitely look good if you could wear it out

Made me very happy, now just to learn how to style it and to experiment!
I get a lot of compliments on my hair, ppl also always ask me if im mixed, how do i get my hair so curly, how do i comb it.

What annoys the crap out of me is when ppl tug on my curls. That ish HURTS. One day someone is gonna do it and im gonna react by slapping the mess out of em.

They always catch me off guard:mad:
When I was still relaxed (I was in college at the time), I decided to wear my hair down. Now, it wasn't super long it was APL. And these two girls looked at me ask I walked by and said "She think she cute." With the nastiest attitude, mind you I didn't even know them. But, I thought it was funny. :lachen:

And just recently when I went to a restaurant this woman complimented me on how thick my hair was. and we talked awhile about her transitioning and her daughter's natural hair.
The women that run the security desk at my job have made some weird backhanded comments before. One found it odd that I do my own hair. Can't remember them all at the moment, but the women are either relaxed or have bad weaves. I have a couple of coworkers are natural, and I get compliments from them. It's strange because I see a lot of natural women here in Baltimore than I did in California.
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When my boss, saw I got a sew-in two months ago, he remarked "oh, you got rid of the vacation hair".

He was referring to my braid outs.

Kinda sad cause he's one of those old white ppl who back in the day during the 70's he was very hippy-like.