Comments I Get on YouTube....

You can't put too much stock in their ways of thinking. Regardless to what our genetics say we are a) disregarding that limitation and b) threatening her genetics.

Why put so much thought into her comment. She is obviously scared though of what I'm not sure. Someone will always have bad things to say but you just have to ignore it and not let it get to you.

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It's straight ignorance. I guess also I have to sit and think of all that people have seen over the past decades. Black women with short, broken hair, rocking wigs, weaves and neglecting their real hair. The amount of black ladies with long hair (that they grew from their scalps) let us admit it, is few and far in between. I've never in my real life met a Black lady with hip length hair. I hadn't seen that until I came to LHCF years ago and even still, never seen it IRL. I do know and believe that we can retain length. I am aware of that and do believe that once hair is given the proper care, or decreased from constant manipulation and the use of protective styles, that we can soar to lengths and strengths of higher heights. The best way to disprove the naysayers is to just grow it.

All of that is true, for me anyway.

I think it's pure hatred, not ignorance, that's driving comments like this. Ignorance would be not knowing any better and buying into all of those things above. Hate and insecurity is what drives a person, even when their own eyes and mind know it's not true, to seek out and spend brain space/energy on cutting people down to a level that is low but not as low as they themselves obviously are. These videos are not something that just pop up when you are watching youtube, which tells me a whole lot about the people making these comments.
I know it's better said than done but I wouldn't give this type of negativity any attention. Especially the comments from non black/non female commentors. I mean really, why the hell are they even looking at videos that have nothing to do with them. Those kind of people purposely seek out ways to spew their hate and negativity. It's quite sad when you think about it. They have nothing better to do with their lives.

Erase their comments, block them and continue on your journey to grow long hair.

I agree with this...move on with your video making and ignore it. After all, that's what the delete feature is for. After a while, they will get tired and move on elsewhere. And before you delete there comments, thank them for viewing your video and making your "view" stats higher.
I say this with love.

Youtube gurus come across trolls and haters all the time.

Suck it up, or delete your channel. If you're bothered by these type of comments, then you shouldn't be doing Youtube videos.

And the fact you let comments like this (especially like that non-black troll Samantha Derrick) get under your skin makes me think you're not cut out to be a Youtuber. These people are being trolls, and you're taking the bait adhering to these comments.

I dont respond to trolls on my channel. These comments are shocking when you first read it and i usually tell my family (girl look at what this chick wrote) and then we speak on i did here.

I was ranting because i hate the way white society looks at us as black women. I also was posting this thread to let the newbies who come here see that they can take negative comments like this and PROVE that we as black women can also grow gorgeous locks and look SICKENING while doing it. Yes it may take longer than others but not to give up. We will all get there with time and patience.

After being pissed i did however laugh and thought..."little does she know i got paid by her just watching my video :lol:"

BTW love that you kept it real with me :yep:
OMG!!! That was such a terrible thing to say! I get negative comments on my channel too, but nothing as bad as that so far. The negative comments that I do get, I just leave them alone - it's a waste of my time to obsess over the feelings of small-minded people. Kudos to you OP for putting yourself out there to help others!!

thanks girlie....btw drooling over your hair!
OK, I just peeked at your youtube channel. Uhmmmm..............don't stone me, but...........a lot of your videos are about wigs and weaves, so I can see how the assumption was made. Not everyone will go through every video to find out if it's your real hair or not. Especially when 19 videos on your first page are about wigs and weaves.

Your natural hair is beautiful BTW.
Yes OP I noticed that too and was looking for your before and after, or hair journey showing growth videos. In any case, like others said ignore them. Besides they have hair problems too. Trust me and they wear weaves, clips, etc... I'll post a thread and show you.
OP: Ignore the trolls. If they believed what they are saying, they would not be on your channel attempting to harass you (they cannot succeed because they are irrelevant).

I also don't think you or anyone else should grow your hair to prove anything to racists. Do it because you want to and it interests you. I find your 'we will overcome stance' a little troubling. This is only hair.

Having long hair is not inherently indicative of anything superior nor is having short hair inherently indicative of anything inferior. Once we buy into that argument, we have lost the plot.
I just don't like the idea of white people having access to our videos...our business. They have no business participating in a video directed to black women.
they dont know anything about our hair. its our business! they should take care of their dumb asses.....

ignore the fools and go straight to your goals ladies!!!

"i let silence talk for the fools"
OP @trendsetta25, just as others have said, keep sharing valuable info for those who want to receive it and the rest can have a seat or two. I was doing some research on AMLA oil recently and came across an article written by a WW on (no shade against other races b/c ignorance doesn't have a color) where her first statement was black women cannot grow long hair. She basically suggested we all wear weaves or braids and had a lot of pics of Bey and some celebs all weaved up.:look:. My first reaction was how can she write an article on how to grow long black hair? How would she be qualified?:perplexed My next reaction was let me post this mess on the forum. Then I laughed:lol: and tossed my freshly flat ironed waist length hair and went on with my research. My point, showing 'em better than I can tell 'em was a big motivator for me too. Just make sure you don't give too much attention to that sort of thing. I don't know where you are in your HHJ but remain steady. If I can reach my goals, anyone can. My siggie is from Oct of last year. I made it...

Yo! You hair looka like the bomb!!!!!
I'm honestly not even offended, because I KNOW what they're saying is not true. It's like someone saying, "look here, the sky does not look blue, it's actually green" Errrrm, ok :look: It's nonsensical and makes me suspect their not ok in the head.

Lol@ black women trying "to go toe to toe" with other races! :lol:. Insecure much? Who said it was a competition? Why can't black women just be. White women bleach their hair, perm, flat iron, colour AND wear extensions, but no-one accuses them of self hate or competing with anyone else. What the hell is that??
I'm just seeing this thread. I have two channels, weight loss and hair. Luckily, I haven't had the experience on YouTube. I normally see the comments and flag them. I've only had the experience once on Facebook.

As someone mentioned before, it is normally folks with not pic and no life. However, I catch heat IRL from those who only attribute my length to me being mixed. "Oh she ain't black for real." I just ignore it and keep moving. I don't care what race you are, if you don't take care of your hair it will break. Then the person will look like a rat nested in their head. I just keep my head up, swing my ponytail, and keep it moving. Lesson to the newbies for sure!
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OK, I just peeked at your youtube channel. Uhmmmm..............don't stone me, but...........a lot of your videos are about wigs and weaves, so I can see how the assumption was made. Not everyone will go through every video to find out if it's your real hair or not. Especially when 19 videos on your first page are about wigs and weaves.

Your natural hair is beautiful BTW.
Don't hate me for saying this, and I am soo sorry for the negative comments on your YT channel, but I think you can definitely counteract them by posting less videos about the wigs and weaves you are PSing with and more on the actual progress of your real hair. Because the number of videos devoted to wigs and weaves faaaar outnumber the videos on your actual hair, you are providing an "easy target" for the haters to comment on, and if you don't have a thick enough skin to shrug it off, than maybe you should take a hiatus from YT or something. :ohwell:

That being said, your real hair is very thick and pretty, and I for one would love to see you do more videos on it than all the fake hair. :yep: Good luck on your continuing HHJ.
I checked your channel and see that you have many subscribers. I guess when you get that popular there's going to be some hate mail. I also noticed that you only have one video about your natural hair (loved the results BTW, your hair came out gorgeous) so I can see where someone would think you don't appreciate your real hair. Just flag them and keep it moving.
DrC - I'm only addressing you directly because you spoke your mind and your comment received many "thanks" so its clear many women share your opinion.

I think its unfair to assume the OP was bothered or doesn't have thick skin. She has been doing youtube for years with weave from the start and these are just a FEW of the comments she received. I think its a normal reaction to occassionally have a moment of "Come on, Seriously? We're still doing this in 2013?" She clearly stated in her post her and on IG that black women should ignore these comments because we know we CAN grow long hair, so she took the negativity and used it to encourage and motivate not only herself but others. Just because someone speaks on something doesn't mean they are bothered or have thin skin, that's a common misconception. In addition, everyone's goal in LIFE is not to be a YouTube "guru" - speaking for myself, while I am so deeply appreciative of my channel and blog's growth, my main goal is to HELP others even if its with something as small as a hairstyle tutorial, review or encouraging others by documenting my own journey. Iono, maybe I'm a little bit in my feelings about your comment and the amen choir because I have so much love for trendsetta25 but its one thing to say brush it off and another to tell someone they shouldn't be doing what they are doing because they had a vent moment in a forum of women who care as much about their hair (no matter what their personal goals') as she.

WHEW. Maybe I'm hormonal today? Anywhoooo, carry on trendsetta25! We all know trolls search YouTube for weave & black hair videos just to leave these kinds of comments which is weird enough in and of itself. What kind of time they must have on their hands! lol
my channel is about food but I set it so that I have to approve every comment. I have not received any negative comments over the years but just in case, I'm keeping in that way.
OK why be so concerned about whether or not people think Black women can grow long hair, esp if you have already done so? Most Black women DO NOT have long hair and given all the weave/wig stuff out here today, how are people "racist" because they reach a logical...if inaccurate, opinion based on what they have seen w/ their own eyes?

We have far bigger issues to worry about than whether or not folks think Black women can/cannot grow hair. Not trying to be mean here, but trying to give it some perspective.
Reply: your tan is not cute. Stop going toe to toe with cultural that tan naturally. Your heredity won't allow it #kanyeshrug