Coming to Terms with my Hair

I think it's an internal thing. How you look at yourself and how you handle imperfection. You can look at imperfection like this :wallbash: or like this :infatuated:. Most of my hair is thick and lush. But my nape is dry and fine and breaks easily. I used to hate it, despised it. Since being on LHCF I've learned to love my nape, not necessarily how it looks or how delicate it is but I love it, can you feel me, I'm like oh this part of my hair is delicate and needs more attention and that's what I'm going to give it. It's not strong and takes a long time to grow but that's okay, it just is what it is, and as long as I am gentle and loving toward it, it flourishes.

Your hair is BEEEEEEEAUUUUUUUUUTIFUL........ lol
Sorry that you feel down about your hair. I have fine hair and I know it can be frustrating not to have a full head of thickness.

Do you straighten and or blow dry on a regular basis? Having really straight hair emphasizes thin hair, probably best to always have some texture. When I wear twist outs my hair looks so much thicker. Curly styles are a good option too as well as protective pin up styles.

I think you can have the appearance of fuller hair by choosing products that help to build the hair strand, Biotin poos/conditioners, henna or if your hair doesn't like the full henna treatment try just adding some to your conditioners.

Just keep taking good care of your hair and I think you will be pleasantly surprised with what your hair can do.
I see you joined in June 08 the FIRST thing you will notice during this year Jun 08-Jun 09 is a major increase in your hair's thickness if you follow the healthy hair practices of this board. And seriously take your vitamins and get some protein down your throat- this is really important for hair.
Do you straighten and or blow dry on a regular basis? Having really straight hair emphasizes thin hair, probably best to always have some texture.

I agree:ha:

I have fine hair...but I realize that if I would like thicker hair, then bone straight is simply not for me:nono: I am in the process of transitioning to a texturizer and eventually natural. Drastic times may cause for drastic measures.
Another fine-haired lady checking in. I echo all the sentiments of the OPs who are telling you to hang in there and appreciate the beauty of your hair. That's a big statement for me to make b/c I can also personally relate to your feelings about your hair.

I've always had a love-hate relationship with my hair. It's always either been too short or too dry or too...something not good. I'm still going through the process of accepting it for what it is. I flat ironed it on Tuesday. When I unrolled it and saw it yesterday, I was so disappointed at how light and airy it was. It had no volume, but that's the way my hair has always been.

Try to look at the positives of having fine hair (I say that too myself as much as I say it to you). Fine hair doesn't need as much product, so you ending up saving more money.
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