Coming out of the closet


Well-Known Member
My DH and I recently went on a trip to Washington DC and I was completely taken back by the numerous naturals the area had.:spinning: Everywhere I turned there was another head of locks, twist outs, or fros. At first I didn't think anything of it until while waiting for the metro I saw this ladies natural hair that I thought was so cute. I told my husband I liked her hair and that this is how I too wanted to wear my hair when I go natural (which I planned on doing sometime in my 30's). He just looked and went "hum'. Ya know that look I'm talking about when you know he really isn't feeling something.:sad: I was kinda annoyed by his comment and lack of support with the idea of transitioning, but thought to myself 'oh well, I will fight this battle when the time comes'.

We'll right after I saw the first lady at Union Station we got on our metro and I saw the most beautiful head of natural 4a/b I've ever seen in my life! :afropick: I couldn't stop starring at her...I knew right then. My someday is today!!!! I was upper excited inside at the sheer thought of committing to going natural my stomach had butterflies (please don't laugh). When we got back to our hotel I pulled out my laptop and it was as if the stars where all lining up because every other thread was about transitioning or natural hair!

When we arrived back to Houston I began to get cold feet, and was talking myself out of it. I was like "you cant be serious" & "your almost APL why start over"? Then when I arrived back to work a was talking to one of my white coworkers about black hair care (I don't know how we got on the subject at all). I was explaining to her how relaxers work and the rational behind them and how they are permanent. I even showed her my NG just so she could get the jest of the matter because she was asking from a genuine interest and not one of wanting to be all up in my business. In that moment I confessed to her my desire to transition and I sincerely committed to it. :superbanana:

The only other people to know about my transition are those who read this. I don't feel like I have anyone else to support me in this matter. For years I've spoken to stylist friends/family about 'one day I want to go natural' but no one takes it seriously and/or finds it impossible.
I love my NG!!! I love how soft it is, it's nice sheen, and wavy/coily texture. Why do I permanently change something that I love so much? Why do I force my hair into styles (braid-outs, rod sets) that it will practically do naturally?

I don't plan to revile my transition to anyone now because I don't want to become discouraged. If I change my mind about being natural it will be on my terms and not those of others.

I feel so free just sharing this with someone...thanx for being that someone LHCF.:sneakyhug:

Just because I know how ya'll love pictures here are some from our chance the ones taken at the very metro stop I feel in love with natural can even see in one I'm playing with my NG, lol


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Congratulations on your decision, I am sure you will find a lot of helpful threads here on transitioning! You may want to join one of the transitioning support groups, that way you can have a "buddy" to keep you motivated, share transitioning tips, etc. I'm relaxed, the longest I have ever gone without a relaxer is 8 months (when I thought I was gonna go natural), and if it had not been for the great advice I got here I would never have made it that long. Happy transitioning!!
Yea!! Welcome!! Keep going and don't look back. Do what feels right for you.

Side note. I really hate that we as black women have to encourage or question ourselves to wear what comes naturally. Can you imagine white and asians afraid of wearing their hair straight? It seems crazy, because it is. Enjoy your journey, every inch of it!
gotta love the DC area for the way we embrace natural hair. I do believe I've stayed natural so long due in part to being in such a supportive place. Good luck on your journey.
Oh and I agree with ChrissyB - find support online (here and/or places like,,
You would look so cute with a twa. Congrats on your decision and if the will is strong I'm sure you will pull through.
I know the feeling. When I went natural a few years ago people thought I was crazy b/c I was at BSL and heading towards MBL. Let me just say, it is the best feeling in the world to feel your own chemical free hair. I spent so much time trying to thicken up my relaxed hair and my natural hair is as full as anything. I just wish that I had hooked into sites like this to know how to maintain and grow my natural hair. I just recently joined so I'm beginning phase 2 of my natural journey. All the best.
Your story is too cute. :)

It's okay to be really excited and have butterflies. ;) LHCF will be with you every step of the way. It was definitely great during my transition to know that I could come here for help, advice, inspiration, etc. Good luck to you on your journey to natural hair!
My DH and I recently went on a trip to Washington DC and I was completely taken back by the numerous naturals the area had.:spinning: Everywhere I turned there was another head of locks, twist outs, or fros. At first I didn't think anything of it until while waiting for the metro I saw this ladies natural hair that I thought was so cute. I told my husband I liked her hair and that this is how I too wanted to wear my hair when I go natural (which I planned on doing sometime in my 30's). He just looked and went "hum'. Ya know that look I'm talking about when you know he really isn't feeling something.:sad: I was kinda annoyed by his comment and lack of support with the idea of transitioning, but thought to myself 'oh well, I will fight this battle when the time comes'.

We'll right after I saw the first lady at Union Station we got on our metro and I saw the most beautiful head of natural 4a/b I've ever seen in my life! :afropick: I couldn't stop starring at her...I knew right then. My someday is today!!!! I was upper excited inside at the sheer thought of committing to going natural my stomach had butterflies (please don't laugh). When we got back to our hotel I pulled out my laptop and it was as if the stars where all lining up because every other thread was about transitioning or natural hair!

When we arrived back to Houston I began to get cold feet, and was talking myself out of it. I was like "you cant be serious" & "your almost APL why start over"? Then when I arrived back to work a was talking to one of my white coworkers about black hair care (I don't know how we got on the subject at all). I was explaining to her how relaxers work and the rational behind them and how they are permanent. I even showed her my NG just so she could get the jest of the matter because she was asking from a genuine interest and not one of wanting to be all up in my business. In that moment I confessed to her my desire to transition and I sincerely committed to it. :superbanana:

The only other people to know about my transition are those who read this. I don't feel like I have anyone else to support me in this matter. For years I've spoken to stylist friends/family about 'one day I want to go natural' but no one takes it seriously and/or finds it impossible.
I love my NG!!! I love how soft it is, it's nice sheen, and wavy/coily texture. Why do I permanently change something that I love so much? Why do I force my hair into styles (braid-outs, rod sets) that it will practically do naturally?

I don't plan to revile my transition to anyone now because I don't want to become discouraged. If I change my mind about being natural it will be on my terms and not those of others.

I feel so free just sharing this with someone...thanx for being that someone LHCF.:sneakyhug:

Just because I know how ya'll love pictures here are some from our chance the ones taken at the very metro stop I feel in love with natural can even see in one I'm playing with my NG, lol

If you are going to transition without the BC... check out the "Inspired by Sylver2" thread. Many of the women there are stretching relaxers, but many of them are transitioning as well. Two of them are going gangsta and doing a two-year stretch. Dealing with the new growth raises the same issues for both groups so you may get some tips there on how to deal with new growth after months of no relaxers.
:clapping: Congratulations on your decision, I’m so excited for you :yay:. Wishing you a successful and fun transition. Thank you for the beautiful pictures.
Congrats on your decision to go natural lady! You can definitely do this. I found it would have been much easier for me to transition if I hadn't told people, because they often feel the need to reveal their insecurities to me through, but I know that if you don't meet opposition on the way to where you're going, you and opposition are walking in the same direction, so take confidence in knowing that you're doing something that you truly want to do. We're always here for support. You're gorgeous btw!
OP, I feel exactly the way you feel and have begun my transition as well. I am fortunate that my fiancé loves all things natural (having dreads himself), and loves anything I do with my hair. I hope to be able to transition to at least one year post, maybe even to two years post...but I don't think I'll be able to go past a year. I'm so anxious to be natural and to have my hair be truly healthy again...Good luck to you!
YUP DMV has TONS of naturals!! They be on they grown and sexy out there!

Congratulations on the transtion. It's good to not share with anyone especially after the reaction from hubby. You want this to be your descion cause it's your hair. GL. And def research transtioning. Find out about products and solutions before the problems start. That's where I messed up and my hair looked a HAM before i BC'd.
That's beautiful, Simplyconfident. We definitely do have beautiful hair. It will be the most refreshing feeling for you to move beyond all the myths, misrepresentations, and fears about our hair. Good luck on the journey, and you definitely have all you need in information and support here a LHCF, better than any salon, better than any magazine, better than any other website.
Congratulation! There are many threads on transitioning and many who did not BC with BL/APL. Happy Transitioning!
Congrats!!! I convinced a coworker to go natural and she is enjoying it. She cut off her relaxer and is transitioning with a curly wig.

She looks at least 10 years younger and everyone in the office has commented!

You do not have to give up your length. I did not do a BC but instead did a couple of minichops. I expect to be back at APL by December.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
Thanks for your story. I decided to transition a month ago and had butterflies in my belly too. I've only been relaxed for 4 years but i cannot wait to get my natural hair back- but i guess that's what i gotta do.
congratulations! I remember those same feelings, the nervousness and the butterflies. Now I can't imagine my hair any other way. Good luck with everything and I hope you have a smooth transition.:yep: