Coming out of lurk mode **pics**


New Member
Hello all

I have been here awhile now trying to grow my oh so damaged hair. There has been times where I'm like forget it. I've had sooo many set backs in my journey, however now I feel as if I'm on the road to recovery. I am more serious about my hair growth than ever.

Check out my album and let me know what you all think

Your Dominican blow out is the bomb and your hair has really grown; it looks really nice! Congrats from one tricie to the other! :grin:
You have come a long way and go to show if you want to you can have health hair, NOW tell us how you did it what have you done to get to this point.
Hey Tricie!~~ Thanx

You have come a long way and go to show if you want to you can have health hair, NOW tell us how you did it what have you done to get to this point.

I think the main thing lately that has contribute to my retention is baggying more, making my own concoctions and of coarse ayurvedic products:yep:.

Before, I jumped on every bandwagon, tried all kinds of products and it was doing more harm than good to my hair. Now I have found what works for me and I'm sticking to it. I've had to many setbacks. I'm trying to get on yall level:grin: