Coming out of lurk mode.......finally



Hello Everyone,
I am so glad that I found this board. The information that I have found and used here has helped me tremendously. My hair is very fine and when I moved from California to Michigan to begin grad school my hair started breaking badly even though I was wearing braids. What I did not realize is that I still needed to take care of my hair while in braids. To make a long story short, I discovered this board in January of this year and have not turned back. I posted some pics for you all to see. I just wish I had some pics of what my hair looked like in December so you all could see the difference. My family jokes about me being the hair freak. They get a kick out of me belonging to a forum like this

Oh one more thing, I have been natural for a long time and I love the braid out look but mine came out too poofy when I did it. If anyone has any tips on what I can do to make my hair less poofy I would gladly appreciate it.
Welcome aboard, I too was in "lurk" mode for a couple of weeks and then decided my hair was more important than anonymity.
Good to meet you

Anywayz about the braid out...Have you tried Paul Mitchels Foaming Pomade? Man that stuff has my hair looking simply ravishing, ha ha....
Hey Ladies,
Thanks for the warm welcome. I have been checking out a few of your albums and it seems like everyone is making such good progress.
Hi Teenie,
I have not tried the Paul Mitchell foaming pomade. I will have to get that product. I will get this braid out right if it's the last thing I do. Do you usually cornrow your hair before a braidout or braid it individually?
teenie said:
Good to meet you

Anywayz about the braid out...Have you tried Paul Mitchels Foaming Pomade? Man that stuff has my hair looking simply ravishing, ha ha....

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Off topic, Teenie you have BEAUTIFUL thick hair.

How long did it take for you to grow it out? Are you a 4a/4b?