Come with me on my Hair 2 Heaven journey


New Member
I'm so excited. I 'm sitting here right now with a package from Hair 2 Heaven: Nature Sourced Goods. I am so excited. I'm inviting you all to come along with me as I open my package.....

ripping open the box......

taking out packing peanuts...

another box inside....

reading packing slip.......

opening second she packed this stuff well..thanks girl!!

Taking out tissue and more peanuts.....

OOOOHHHH the scent is heavenly, and I have not opened anything yet.

First product wrapped in pink tissue is Citrus Musk..ooh the scent, I wish my workplace was not scent free so that I could wear this tomorrow.

Second product wrapped in white tissue..the famous end all. and it's wrapped nicely with raffia. It smells so good..I am using this tonight.

Third and fourth product wrapped with raffia is msm oil (smells like rosemary) and sweet madea face balm (smells like lavender). will use the face balm tonight.

Fifth product wrapped in pink tissue paper...sunshower moisture spritz, I can't place the scent.....I can't stop smelling it though.

Last but not least..wrapped in pink tissue and raffia is all over body wash. I'm using this tonight aswell.

Girl you out did all smells so lovely and I love the product bottles. I feel like I have a little spa in my bathroom. I will definately be back with reviews of the product.