Come see my YT video!!

You had good info and products. Your video would get a lot more hits if you wore your hair down. Most women are looking for inspiration and ideas too. If you have time do a few more vids about blowdrying and flatironing techniques, hair growth tips, etc.. Most of the popular hair youtubers have these videos and more. Good luck!
Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.!! This only my 2nd vid I've uploaded since I had my account so I've got a ways to go as far as getting a collection of tutorials.
Your skin is beautiful! Are you wearing makeup? What do you do?

Retin A cream 0.1% every night and Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid every 2-3 days. You just don't know how good that compliment made me feel cause I have to WORK to keep my skin decent :lachen: I'm super oily and acne prone (cystic). Im wearing MAC Prep & Prime Translucent powder and eye shadow.
Ooof. All these acids and percentages... I didn't want to get into it, but with the raves, it seems I have to!

And I'm glad to give you the compliment! I'm working on trying to get my own skin right... it's so dry, I'm thinking of getting a humidifier.
If it wasn't for retin a, my face would be looking like a chocolate chip cookie :lol: definitely check into Paula's Choice too, she has the best skin care hands down.
I just watched the video too and I thought it was nice... maybe you can do some tutorials for the transitioners (your hair is pretty and shiny) :) I would love to see you do a twist out or bantu knots.:yep:
I really liked it! You have such a nice personality.

Like the other ladies mentioned, most of the YT videos I see that have a lot of hits and responses are tutorials. I know I've gotten really good advice and ideas from tutorial videos, and I also think it helps transitioners to see that they're not alone and have a way to compare notes with someone going through the same thing. Not to mention the people who are thinking about transitioning who watch for inspiration.

Keep up the good work! I've always wanted to do videos, but I'm way too nervous :)