combing your hair wet


New Member
Is it good to comb your hair when it's wet or is that a no no? what is the best way to comb or brush your hair the right way to advoid breakage when it's wet? the reason I asked is because my friend told that I shouldn't comb my hair wet and I also heard that brushing while wet wasn't good either. sorry if this was asked before if you have any advice for me please feel free to comment and thank you in advance
Well, doesn't one need to comb wet hair prior to roller setting, or to prep the hair for any kind of styling? Brushing, of course, is a no-no.

I use a hair pick to detangle my hair. I know that there are fancy detangling combs, but I found that they don't do the job as effectively for me as a hair pick.

In terms of method, there is something called tapping the hair. This is when one takes a small section of hair, and begins to comb it from the ends, and you work your way up the section of hair until you reach the roots. Progressively, you can begin to slowly and carefully comb out the section, and eventually the section is completely tangle-free. One should begin with the ends, and work her way up. You should divide the the hair into small sections so as to minimize damage.

I have found that I lose less hair if I am patient, if I am not too tired, and if I have enough time to do my hair the way it deserves to be done. After all, hair when wet is in its most fragile state.
I hope some of what I have said is useful to you.

northernbelle said:
Well, doesn't one need to comb wet hair prior to roller setting, or to prep the hair for any kind of styling? Brushing, of course, is a no-no.

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I agree.
I find that combing my hair in the shower, after conditioned, with a shower comb is best. This is how I detangle and I don't lose as much hair.

After I get out of the shower I put in my leave in and comb it through. I DO NOT comb at all as I air dry.

Brushing your hair while dry can be damaging but brushing while wet is a HUGE no-no.
I only comb my hair when it's wet, after conditioning. I use the tapping method NorthernBelle described. I brush my hairline lightly as well when wet before I put a scarf over it to keep my hairline smooth. I brush no further than my hairline, so it's caused no problem or breakage.