Combing when wet (10 weeks post)????


Active Member
I know this has appeared on the board several times over, but wanted to revisit since I've seen lately a lot of posting about combing and detangling hair when wet.

When I first joined the board there were a lot of posts regarding "not" combing hair when wet because of how fragile it is. For the past week, I have been trying to comb and detangle my hair when wet but I seem to be losing more than hair than it's worth.

Is there anyone that still adheres to the rule of not combing hair when wet because of how fragile it is? If so, what do you do to detangle and work with the hair at 10 weeks post or more?
I use a detangling shampoo and a good conditioner that gives me slip when I wash in the "SHOWER" (which helps straighten/detangles):so I don't need to comb my hair while its wet: If its still a little tangled: i'll use Kids Organic Detangling Shea Butter Lotion on my hair and rinse off while combing my hair from ****Tips to Roots****. The Key is: Combing your hair the same direction ur hair is following in the shower: HTH
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Yeah, I comb my hair while wet. But it depends on how much post relaxer I am as to how I do it. I ALWAYS comb it from tip to root!

If I'm fresh from a relaxer I can do the sink wash if need-be, but once I get a few weeks into it :eek: :eek: :eek: I MUST do my final wash in the shower. I rinse the conditioner off under the running shower and I also detangle with a large tooth comb under the flowing water. I then go back over it with a smaller comb (not a fine tooth)
I comb my hair when wet but found a new trick - I combine my DC with pure Vitamin E oil - when I rinse it out it makes combing out my wet new growth eaiser.
I comb hair wet or dry w/tangle wrangler. It's helping me to stretch longer... I wash my hair at least twice a week, no problems. My last perm was in the 1st week of Feb.
Trust, hair IS MUCH weaker when wet. So, you only comb under running water with very slippery conditioner, unless you are combing out to style (roller set, blow dry or just air dry).
well I have to comb my hair while wet. I do everything in sections to reduce breakage. If I don't comb my hair, it gets matted.
I am 8 months post relaxer, just took out braids and I combed my hair while wet with no problems. As the other ladies posted, the key to success is; a good moisturizing shampoo/deep conditoner, detangling in the shower, the stream of water helps immensly with untangling the hair. I can only detangle when wet, detangling dry hair would be an absolute nightmare for me.
I comb under running water in the shower.

OT: Princessdi - We started at and are exactly at the same hair length now! You're my hair twin. ;)
shakira74 said:
I comb under running water in the shower.

OT: Princessdi - We started at and are exactly at the same hair length now! You're my hair twin. ;)

Wow a hair twin, that's great!! I'm hoping to reach shoulder length by December. If I can only get some of this breakage under control.:(

Hopefully we'll stay on track together. Let's keep growing!!!
i do an overnite deep cond, and put in 4 plaits, so when i wash my hair that morning and am ready to detangle my post hair... its a breeze.
It really depends on how much ng I have. When my relaxer is fresh, I would say up to 6 wks post I do NOT have to comb in the shower. I just use my fingers to comb through and apply my cond. Then I comb through just to do my roller set. Since I've done long stretches this yr I comb the ng under running water once I it begins to become unmanageble. So, I really try to comb as less as possible when wet.