combing vs. no combing


Well-Known Member

I've done the no combing thing and I've done the combing thing and to me, it seems like I have less shedding/breakage when I comb everyday and just be gentle. I dont know if this is normal or not, but I saved up all my strands from combing and throughout the day from what I found and counted only 35 strands for the whole week. I'm not sure how many strands came out when my stylist washed it, but it looked very normal, not even a ball size amount. Now, when I wasnt combing, I lost about 150 strands for the whole week and still got about the same amount of shedding on wash day. What I want to know is, how many strands do you shed per day or week when you comb vs. when you do no comb? If you have pictures, that would help too.
I've never counted strands but I can only do the no combing routine when I', braided or spiral curled.
When I wear my hair straight, I seem to shed more if I don't comb.

I'm relaxed, not natural.
Shedding has never been an issue for me.

The reason i dont comb during the week is to avoid unnecessary breakage. My hair is VERY fine and fragile..... and no matter how healthy it is (sufficient moisture/protein/etc), undue manipulation causes little pieces to break off. And the more frequently i comb, albeit gently, the more breakage i get. So i find that combing only once or twice a week allows me to avoid breakage. So its a win-win for me.

I guess it just depends on ure hair and what you are able to tolerate. :) Having such fine/thin strands, i just cant sustain that type of manipulation daily.

Different strokes for different folks! :grin: Not combing has turned my hair AROUND!!!!
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I think no combing is best for me with 11 wks ng. I can't imagine pulling a comb through that. I just rake and finger comb until wash day.