Combing Texlaxed Hair?


New Member
It might be a silly question, but I wanted to know is it better to comb texlaxed hair when it's wet or dry? Right now, I'm natural and I don't dare comb it while it's dry but I plan to relax my hair very soon, so I wanted to know.

I don't comb my hair often when it's completely wet, my hair is just too fine for that. I detangle when it's about 40-50% dry. I finger comb the most on dry hair, but I do use my seamless comb sometimes as well. I just comb very gently and in small sections, takes awhile but I lose very little hair.
I have a head of mainly texlaxed hair. I found that combing when dry or air-dried is a NO-NO :nono: I also find that when wet I can't manage but when damp :yay: that's the ticket!
I detangle or comb with a leave-in or moisturizer in my hair.
warenas1978, you have gorgeous hair! What makes you want to texlax... just curious, I may do so in the fall.
When I was telaxed, I would only comb when damp and moisturized.
Combing my hair wet was a no-no. It resulted in breakage..

Now its the opposite for me while natural. I dare not comb my hair while dry