Combat PJism by identifying your growth culprit(s)?!


Genius never dies!

I have a question for you:

How are you able to identify which product or supplement/vitamin is contributing to your hair growth?

This question is especially directed as us PJ's. I feel that one way to combat PJism is to be able to identify the product or supplements that are the primary culprits of your growth.

So, in answering this question, please consider everything you are doing for your hair and overall health. How are you able to distinguish between products vs. exercise vs. vitamin regimen, etc. in pinpointing your growth?
EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT question! i have not a clue :cool: i got all types of vitamins pumping through my veins, i drink protein shakes, exercise 4x a week, started baggying, started using my own sulphur/MN mix...and i have not a CLUE as to which of all these things is helping me the most! can somebody drop some knowledge on us, please?
Great question, this is something I asked myself last year to help stem my PJ-ism and it's working. I have settled on a pretty simple regime with a number of staple products. It works and I only make slight modifications to include other products I already have on hand that need to be used up. Why did I buy 15 bottles of DDTA? I don't know, but I won't have to buy conditioner for at least another year.

I steer clear of all the rave threads and I am on a mission to not buy anything other then my Jojoba, Avocado and Coconut oil when I run out.
that is a very tough question....I would have to say: I stick to natural based products. Like Ojon, UBH, Aubrey's Organics, Kids Organic, Motion: Herbals Relaxer, and Shea/Cocoa Butter. I had to learn what ingrediants are bad for you...and if they were in a product, I didn't buy it. So far, I'm very pleased with my line. My next stop is using organic bodywash....hopefully it will stop my dry skin/eczema.

P.S. When I get my own house: I wanna put in a Shower Filter so all that tap water and chlorine can stay out of my hair when i wash....I hear its a great thing for hair.
I would definitely have to say Surge 14, WGO, bunning. This is what I started with in the very beginning and it got me from neck length to APL within a year! I was not taking any vits or using anything out of the ordinary to encourage growth.
Biotin is definetly the culprit in growing my hair out. I notice that when I start slacking and forgetting to take it, i have much less growth. If I could only have one product/supplement, that would be it.
I was just talking to my best friend about this today. She hasn't nailed down a reg yet because she has way to many products. She was taking a cocktail of vitamins and had an allergic reaction to she stopped taking all of them :look:. I suggested picking staples and try them out for a couple weeks to see how they work, if they're no good swap them out for something else in her stash.
Well as far as vitamins are concerned I suggest you always start withthe basics and move forward.

For example

Start off with a good multi-vitamin and omega fatty acid supplement. In general, everyone (men and women) experience positive health benefits from these two things. Sometimes just adding these two can help change growth rate and texture.

Then every 2 months or so add somthing else. Add biotin, start at a low dose and gradually increase so you can see how your body reacts. If you recieve no adverse reaction and see positive hair changes keep taking. Then lets say you want to experiment with msm or amino acids. If you introduce them one at a time it gets easier to record the positive or negative effects so you can get a better feel of what works and what doesn't.
GymFreak, that is a good idea, but still doesn't seem to get at the underlying issue. I have all these products, all these vitamins, all these supplements. In addition to that, you drink water, take care of yourself, eat well. And yet, we can't seem to pin down one or two products, one or two vitamins, or other factors that might contribute to growth.

I was just thinking about this today, and I went out on an impulse to buy more hair stuff: Do I really need this stuff? If I could just choose one or two super products instead of all the ones I have, just think about how much time and money could be saved?

I've decided as of today after thinking: Serenity, this is ridiculous. You didn't need to buy this stuff...I decided to join the PJ "use it up" challenge to get rid of all these products. Just use them up, and try to target one or two products that I want to keep that are really helping.

Just think ladies, if we could:

1. Choose 1 or 2 vitamins
2. One or two shampoos
3. One or two conditioners
4. One or two relaxers, preferable one
5. One or two supplements/vitamins
6. One or two moisturizers.

You get the idea...

We would accomplish so much with so little. I'm on this mission to find out what these factors are and stick to them.
Lavendar said:
I would definitely have to say Surge 14, WGO, bunning. This is what I started with in the very beginning and it got me from neck length to APL within a year! I was not taking any vits or using anything out of the ordinary to encourage growth.

See, this is a perfect example of what I mean. Thanks so much Lavendar for sharing. Your hair looks tremendously beautiful!