

New Member
Hello ladies and whomever else may peruse this board!

I have been away from LHCF for a while; over six months, in fact. Now that I'm back there is all this talk of crayons and coloring. I don't remember seeing that before. From the context I gather that we are talking about penises, sex, and masturbation. When did this occur and what prompted it?

We don't want profanity and gutter talk on LHCF but why the euphemisms for accurate, medically-appropriate, descriptive words? Is it because there are sometimes children who see the board? Why are grown women, many of whom engage in it regularly, shying away from saying "sex" all of a sudden?

Yes, there are younguns' on this board but I'm sure they still know that sex is the topic inspite of using such words.

Personally, I like the coloful adjectives to discuss sex:

'He was stretching my legs' and 'Singing on the microphone' are my all-time faves.
Please don't start using the actual words. I need to be able to access this at work.

Thank you very much... Carry on.
When I watched Sex and the City the movie, They used the word color when her child was around. That was the first time I saw the word used that way, Then I started to spot it on LHCF. I think it is clever, So I use it around my children when I am on the phone etc. Sometimes I think it is good to tone a conversatiion down with those words rather than get explicit.

@lady libra, I like those quotes.
Was the need to access LHCF at work what prompted the trend? It doesn't seem to be a forum rule so is it just a gentlemen's/women's agreement?
The first one was originally used years ago by a member on here when her kids caught her and their father in the act. It was so funny and the ladies had plenty of belly laughs using it.

The second one is very recent or at least recently is when I first read it LOL!
I think people should use what ever language they are comfortable using whether someone else agrees with it or not, as long as one is not intentionally violating the forum rules. Some people are more conservative and modest than others and prefer not to be quite as direct. That too is ok.

It should be at the discretion of the poster and the moderators.
Thanks for the input ladies. I was genuinely curious because I had never heard the terms before. I'm finally in the know!