Coloring Jet Black Hair...Need Advise!!


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I've been thinking about it for a while. I really want to color my hair. The problem is that my hair is naturally Jet Black therefore rinses and semipermanent colors don't work well for me. My hair is relaxed with Affirm Regular and I have been stretching my relaxers, the last time w/ the help of braids, my stretch went for 12 weeks.

I think the color I want to achieve is dark brown all over w/ auburn highlights and maybe some lighter blonde chunks in the very front to frame the face.

I plan to go to a hairdresser to do this, I have had bad experience w/ at home color in the past.

I need to know if anyone knows a good place to color relaxed hair in NY?

Also can I achieve this without causing damage? Any recommendations from you LHCF color experts would be greatly appreciated!!
Some damage is to be expected with a highlights and permanent coloring. You're really going to have to committ to taking extra special care of your hair after coloring.
I can forsee upkeeping the lighter color to be a challenge since there is such a color difference between the jet black and the auburn. Your roots will be very noticeable.
Think long and hard before you do it :look:
If u really want ur hair to grow longer, I wouldnt color relaxed hair. It will just set u back. Or at least, make sure that u thoroughly research the proper way to take care of hair that is both relaxed and colored.
Lovelylocs said:
If u really want ur hair to grow longer, I wouldnt color relaxed hair. It will just set u back. Or at least, make sure that u thoroughly research the proper way to take care of hair that is both relaxed and colored.

I agree with this.

BTW, I love you hair color and sheen!
Well to be frank with you, just be prepared to experience lots of breakage due to both chemicals in your hair. Your stylist will have to continually give u trims/dusts to even up your hair. You will be frantically trying different protein treatments and hopefully if you are lucky...sooner or later you will find something that works for you and normalizes the breakage. I just don't think it's wise for a person who wants to achieve long hair to dye their relaxed hair. It makes growing 3x as hard. I just wanted to tell you that upfront so you can make a wise decision. If i were to get my relaxed hair colored, Id only feel safe if I went to a master colorist, or an international salon. I just don't think that our local black-owned salon is doing a good job as far as protecting the hair while coloring. They are professionals at 'styling' but coloring is an entirely different animal, so to speak. Also please read about a permenant dye called 'Bigen' it's supposed to be the least harsh, containing no bleach (or is it a semi/demi?) i'm unsure but i think that will be your best choice. Also discuss if a semi/demi would work for you. Instead of getting a total dye plus highlights, why don't u just get highlights on the top front of your head, which can give u the appearance of colored hair. that will look nice and plus it will save your hair from the breakage nightmare. Just some options.... of course anything u decide for your lovely hair is aokay with me!

good luck!
Thanks for the advise so far ladies. I know I'm going to have to expect some breakage.

I guess I'm just bored with my jet black hair! I want to see something different. I know I could be put in a weave with color but I really don't want that. I came out of braids with color about 1 month ago and I really liked how that looked on me.

I'm going to do a search on Bigen.

If anyone has anymore information/opinions I would be greatful.
It seems like Bigen is good for going dark, not for going lighter. I don't think my hair can get any darker than it is naturally.
I have naturally jet black hair and I would hightly advise against full color. I have dyed my hair red a few years back. It was nice for a minute, but breakage inevitably occurred even though I took extra good care of it. I even had hi-lites which caused a little breakage on the colored hair. It is just really hard to color black hair because you have to strip the black color out and then add color back in. I have just learned to just accept my black hair. Whenever I want color, I just get me a weave or a wig. :)
thickness said:
I have naturally jet black hair and I would hightly advise against full color. I have dyed my hair red a few years back. It was nice for a minute, but breakage inevitably occurred even though I took extra good care of it. I even had hi-lites which caused a little breakage on the colored hair. It is just really hard to color black hair because you have to strip the black color out and then add color back in. I have just learned to just accept my black hair. Whenever I want color, I just get me a weave or a wig. :)

Same for me.
I got highlights and my hair eventually became damaged. I am sure there are people who color their hair and relax and are sucessful. I think Dana03 has color and relaxes but I think she just colored the top. I am sure you have to stay on top of the protein and moisture balance and it is possible.

It's just no longer worth it to me. Whenever I started to want light hair I would look for pictures of people with dark beautiful hair and it always changed my mind.
I think you guys may be right...I may just need to try my good old Clairol Beautiful Colors rinses again. I used to see a little change in my hair in the light. Maybe that will be good enough for me for now.

It's funny I was stressing to get an appointment today with a good colorist, and wasn't able to make one (that I could afford). Maybe it's a sign!!!

Anyway at least with the semi permanent and rinses I don't have to worry about damage (even if it only shows up in sun light or bright lights).

Thanks for saving my hair ladies (hopefully the color itch will leave me soon, in the mean time I'll try the non damaging route).
