
Well-Known Member
:lol: The Spanish Duchess thread got me to thinking...she's 85, btw and about to marry a young thing. :look:

Do your really old grandparents still engage in coloring?

Does coloring subside in old age? Medications and chronic illnesses and hip-replacements, notwithstanding?

I hate the idea of having coloring stop in my life....when I'm older. I want to be coloring until I pass on over.

Do you think about this?

Any old people coloring stories? Nursing home patients "visiting" one another?

It always intrigues me to consider whether coloring has to stop or not in really old age. Thoughts?
My mom works in a nursing home and she says they have ole mac daddies and loose chicks still running around. They gotta try and keep some of them in their own rooms and they spread diseases around too :nono:

I used to think I'd want to keep up my sex life into old age but I think about how hard it must be for these really elderly people to maneuver and it just doesn't sound appealing anymore.
My mom works in a nursing home and she says they have ole mac daddies and loose chicks still running around. They gotta try and keep some of them in their own rooms and they spread diseases around too :nono:

I used to think I'd want to keep up my sex life into old age but I think about how hard it must be for these really elderly people to maneuver and it just doesn't sound appealing anymore.

I heard about this. In fact last year I saw a story on the news about a spike in STD infections in nursing homes nationwide :perplexed

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Wow. I did not know that about the STD rates among the elderly. Fascinating! They know better. They must still experience a libido. Loves it. Hate the unsafe sex though. but I'm relieved knowing your libido doesn't have to necessarily leave altogether.
Yep STD's among the elderly are up you know they did a study in France with women in the 60's 70's and 80 they were like yeah we still engage with our husbands no we can't do the things that we used too but He is STILL my husband and we still get horny I think Jane Fonda has a chapter in her new book about this. Outside of being careful with STD's

I don't know WHY people think Orgasms are only for the young. Keep living
It definitely still happens. I too learned about increased STD rates in the older population in my sexuality education class. Many feel as if pregnancy is a thing of the past so condoms aren't necessary anymore.

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Viagra! I tell you it's the debil! That's what I heard from the women at the senior home when it first came out :yep: Rules have changed at senior homes :yep:Before you tried to keep the residents away from each other but they fought for their rights (sex) and now as long as they have not been diagnosed with a degenerative diease that can affect their decision making :drunk: Gma and Big Daddy can get busy all night long:blush:

When you see diapers on the floor on the side of the bed :look: it's time for a break.
Moses take the wheel :lachen::lachen:

Viagra! I tell you it's the debil! That's what I heard from the women at the senior home when it first came out :yep: Rules have changed at senior homes :yep:Before you tried to keep the residents away from each other but they fought for their rights (sex) and now as long as they have not been diagnosed with a degenerative diease that can affect their decision making :drunk: Gma and Big Daddy can get busy all night long:blush:

When you see diapers on the floor on the side of the bed :look: it's time for a break.
Viagra! I tell you it's the debil! That's what I heard from the women at the senior home when it first came out :yep: Rules have changed at senior homes :yep:Before you tried to keep the residents away from each other but they fought for their rights (sex) and now as long as they have not been diagnosed with a degenerative diease that can affect their decision making :drunk: Gma and Big Daddy can get busy all night long:blush:

When you see diapers on the floor on the side of the bed :look: it's time for a break.

NO! STOP!!!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Yep STD's among the elderly are up you know they did a study in France with women in the 60's 70's and 80 they were like yeah we still engage with our husbands no we can't do the things that we used too but He is STILL my husband and we still get horny I think Jane Fonda has a chapter in her new book about this. Outside of being careful with STD's

I don't know WHY people think Orgasms are only for the young. Keep living

The ignorance of youth. I love this though. GREAT NEWS! It takes the sting out of getting older. So they still have libidos! Yeaaaaasssss! :grin:
Viagra! I tell you it's the debil! That's what I heard from the women at the senior home when it first came out :yep: Rules have changed at senior homes :yep:Before you tried to keep the residents away from each other but they fought for their rights (sex) and now as long as they have not been diagnosed with a degenerative diease that can affect their decision making :drunk: Gma and Big Daddy can get busy all night long:blush:

When you see diapers on the floor on the side of the bed :look: it's time for a break.

Ok. I quit! LOL! :dead: :dead:

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I know a few seniors who have sex on the regular and look forward to it to.

I hope that I still have "it" beyond my 60s and 70s. :yep:

Viagra! I tell you it's the debil! That's what I heard from the women at the senior home when it first came out :yep: Rules have changed at senior homes :yep:Before you tried to keep the residents away from each other but they fought for their rights (sex) and now as long as they have not been diagnosed with a degenerative diease that can affect their decision making :drunk: Gma and Big Daddy can get busy all night long:blush:

When you see diapers on the floor on the side of the bed :look: it's time for a break.

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One of my aunts was in her 70s (didn't look it) and took a BF in his 30s. She gave him almost a decade's worth of good lovin' before passing on. She died happy :yep: That said, I look forward to at least another 40 years of hot, lovin' relations.
My Aunt is in her late 70's and she has two boyfriends. Her Wednesday night guy and her Saturday night guy.

They...enjoy themselves.:lachen:
Hell yeah-old people still color the brush strokes maybe different but the canvas and paints still exists, I come to this viewpoint when I commented to my Grandmother at the age of thirteen that I did not know why her befriend felt the need to get married again, her responds at the time made my jaw drop when she said old people have needs too and that young people did not invent sex.
My grandparents have all passed away, but I have absolutely NO DOUBT that my SO's grandparents are still getting it in.

They are constantly hugging, touching and rubbing on each other. When he stands next to her, his hand kinda eases down to her behind. They are extremely affectionate and have no problem displaying their love for each other.

OH yeah...they are both in their early 80's, and they've had a LOT of kids. They are both still very active physically (exercise regularly...jogging and yoga...etc)--so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.

I hope I'm like that when I'm their age. They are so cute! :giggle:
I had a co-worker (good friend really), he's retired now. He and his wife were in their early 60's. On some days he would crack a joke about something at work, wink and tell us he got some from his wife last night so he was in a good mood. :lol: Ah, I loved having that guy around.
One of my aunts was in her 70s (didn't look it) and took a BF in his 30s. She gave him almost a decade's worth of good lovin' before passing on. She died happy :yep: That said, I look forward to at least another 40 years of hot, lovin' relations.

WHAT? :lol: Your Auntee should have written a book. Did she share some of her secrets about how to stay hot to your deathbed? Please share. :grin:

My Aunt is in her late 70's and she has two boyfriends. Her Wednesday night guy and her Saturday night guy.

They...enjoy themselves.:lachen:

Your Auntee is a P.I.M.P.???? :lol:
My grandmother was in her 70's the last time I recall her having a boyfriend. She is still alive I just don't think she is still coloring.
WHAT? :lol: Your Auntee should have written a book. Did she share some of her secrets about how to stay hot to your deathbed? Please share. :grin:

I wish. My guess is that she reacquainted herself with the skills she had with her husband before he passed. She went without a BF for a very long time after that, so it was both a shocker when she got a BF, and such a young one, at that.