Coloring, how long should I wait?!


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I was wondering, how long should I wait between relaxers to put in highlights. I was thinking about using the African Pride highlights in Serengeti Gold. I had some about 2 years ago, but they are at my ends and are brassy looking. Maybe highights arent the right answer, but a color. Any advice would be greatly appreciate! Also, what could I do to build up my hair to deal with the highlights?
I think I saw in another post that you should wait about two weeks after your relaxer to color. And I'm not too sure about what you should do to build it up, but I'm thinking deep conditioning a couple of times will be helpful.
I waited 3 to 4 weeks to get my highlights, but they say usually two weeks. I got Arican Pride highlights in Senegal Sunset. A week and a half or two weeks afterwards I used Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair to build my hair back up. I wash and deep condition once a week and do co washes in between. I use a light protein treatment once a week and a heavy protein treatment every 6 weeks or longer. I moisturize my hair daily, about 2 times a day.
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I say be safe and go a month. Wait 4 weeks after a touch up to do the highlights. Especially with African Pride - which I've heard is pretty harsh stuff. Highlight chemicals are usually stronger than regular color formulas. After you get them done - I would another 8 weeks to relax. You don't HAVE to, but if you do you almost guarantee no damage if both processes are done right and you take care of it after. ;)