Coloring hair while pregnant


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies - is there really an issue with coloring hair while pregnant? I read some articles on the internet and they claim the soaking of chemicals into the scalp is minimal and since I am so far along - there is very little I can do which would be detrimental. I am getting myself together physically before the baby comes.

Last week I got a pedicure, facial and threaded my eyebrows. Now I am on the ledge again and plan to dye my hair (My husband prefers my hair brown and I need a change) so I will just focus on moisture to maintain its health.

I wouldn't risk it. Its probably fine, but i would prefer to wait until the baby is born- maybe you could get a stylist to come to your house to do it for you, once the baby is born.

congrats on your new addition. Seems everyone's pregnant these days!LOL
Yeah I would love to find out if he would come to my home for the color and highlights. John does such an amazing job!!!!!