Colorful Neutral Protein Filler Users: What's Your Process And Frequency?


On break
Greetings, all.

If you use Colorful Neutral Protein Filler (CNPF) as your protein treatment, please share:
  1. Your hair characteristics --
    • whether natural or texlaxed or relaxed,
    • hair's porosity level,
    • hair's density level (high, medium, or low),
    • individual strand's width (fine or course), etc.
  2. Whether you dilute the CNPF, and if so, how much,
  3. How long you keep the CNPF on your hair when using it as a protein treatment,
  4. How often you use CNPF as a protein treatment, and lastly,
  5. How you feel that CNPF's effect on your hair compares to that of other, popular protein treatments.
Thank you in advance!
Greetings, all.

If you use Colorful Neutral Protein Filler (CNPF) as your protein treatment, please share:
  1. Your hair characteristics --
    • whether natural or texlaxed or relaxed,
    • hair's porosity level,
    • hair's density level (high, medium, or low),
    • individual strand's width (fine or course), etc.
  2. Whether you dilute the CNPF, and if so, how much,
  3. How long you keep the CNPF on your hair when using it as a protein treatment,
  4. How often you use CNPF as a protein treatment, and lastly,
  5. How you feel that CNPF's effect on your hair compares to that of other, popular protein treatments.
Thank you in advance!

  1. Natural, Low Po, Medium Density, Coarse strands
  2. Diluted. 3 or 4 capfuls added to a bottle of Infusium Repair and Renew leave in. I used to mix it with water (2 parts water, 1 part CNPF)
  3. I spray on before apply my DC and leave in until next wash day.
  4. Monthly.
  5. Gives me strength without brittleness. I like that it is just protein and I control the intensity of the treatment.