Colored Naturals!!!!!!


New Member
Where are you?????:grin:

  1. What is your hair regimen? [w/products]
  2. How often do you get touch ups?
  3. Do you DIY or go the a salon?

**Is your hair as healthy as it was before the color??

Where are you?????:grin:

My answers are in red

  1. What is your hair regimen? [w/products} wash my hair once a week, dc twice a week, co wash when i need it, French braid my hair for a braid out.
  2. How often do you get touch ups? i touch up between 4-6 months
  3. Do you DIY or go the a salon? DIY
**Is your hair as healthy as it was before the color??
Yes, I just make sure to keep ends moisture, stay on top of protein/moisture balance, dust ends when i need them....