Color Showers question


New Member
So I had originally decided that 08 was the the time to get my hair back in great condition, so no color. Yeah well im feenin. I want to try color showers and I was thinking about trying either honey, ginger or gold. well I have really dark, almost black hair. I want to know if the color will show up. I know some of the ladies on the board who use the lighter colors actually have naturally light hair and most everyone else uses the blacks or dark browns. I know that in order to lighten hair, you have to lift the color first and that requires permanent color/bleaching. I want to know if anyone with really dark hair has used the lighter colors and if they worked.
My hair is naturally black and I used Color Showers in Gold. The color was barely apparent. It only presented in my gray as a sort of bronze. There are pics in my Fotki.
If you have very dark/black hair, semi-perm colors such as gold, blondes etc are not going to show. They may give you a subtle glow in natural light, but the color won't be instantly obvious.
I use Colorshowers in gold. My natural hair color is multi-tonal ("sandy", I guess) and on the dark brown parts it is barely noticeable, the medium brown is noticeable only in the light, and the light brown parts make it appear as if I have highlights, especially on my ends. It all comes together beautifully in the sunlight, though. :yep:

Thing is about the gold...unless you have your color lifted it isn't going to appear gold, but more auburnish. The first time it was put it in I was like "Gold? They must have mislabeled this bottle..."
Thanks y'all, thats pretty much what I figured. guess i was hoping. knowing me, I'll probably still try it though.
I decided to use my Color Showers again yesterday.
Here are some pics. Its SUPPOSED to be Dark Brown, but my hair treats color like OJ treats black women...REJECTED!!!:lachen:

I only 'see' brown in the third pic because I'm standing on the sun:ohwell:



