Color Help


New Member
Ladies I am new to this board, so if this a repeat question, please point me in the right direction to find the answer in the archives.

I color because I have STUBBORN gray hairs that sadly have decided not to grow in nicely (i.e. salt and pepper) but practically has the frame of my face white! I am too young for this so I color.

Color around face fading much quicker than they rest of my hair due to daily face washing. :wallbash:

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to slow down my hair color fading around my face so quickly, or product(s) that can help alleviate this pain in the backside problem.

Many thanks in advance!!
Hi LJ67 and Welcome - What a lot of the ladies do is use Henna w/Indigo to handle their grays and based on the photos I have the results are beautiful. The process is a bit involved but well worth it as the color does not fade and it is safe to use as it has no chemicals...I would recommend putting "henna indigo" in the search engine...

Trust -the experts will be in here shortly....:orders:
