Color help! Please help me!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I colored my hair with textures and tones honey blond last night. However it's not nearly as light as I want it, only like two shades lighter than my natural color and what I wanted was a nice light brown. Can I color again or will I lose my hair????? Oh yeah and I'm not double processed so if I redo it tonite and just take special care with my hair will it work or is it not worth the risk.
Did you use the booster? What color did it turn out?

Honestly, I'd wait 2 weeks so that you'll have time to see how your hair reacts to this type of color, if you've never had it before.
WOW... did you use the booster?? I can't believe you didn't get lighter results than that...

I use the Bronze and it lightens my dark brown hair right up!!

Tracy, I think this is a question for YOU!!!
I'm stumped Lindy....

My hair got pretty light even with some BROWN mixed into my honey blonde....

I have no idea...
She probably has super resistant hair if she did use the booster. I haven't tried T&T all over my hair, but with a strand test, the Bronze did nothing.
I think I had too much gunk in my hair...I use vaseline to smooth my hair into buns and also on the ends, I think that kept it from processing....
Yeah, but I think it may be a combination of resistant hair and lots of vaseline that did it, my hair even feels the same, not a touch drier, I'm gonna take the plunge again tonite, wish me luck! I'll only leave it on like 10 minutes and if it doesn't change I give up!
You sure you don't want to wait least a week? Don't let the impatient monster get the best of you. Those extra days can spare you months and years of heartache. Shoo I am speaking from experience (I waited the weeks but kept going back to a loon - another story)...

I say wait. But if you don't...good luck in any case
I'm thinking the same thing...but I didn't want to be pushy...

your hair doesn't usually feel REALLY dry until a couple of weeks after you color if you aren't taking care of it. And I think you need a better technique...

I'd add some heat to the process - but that me. Chances are if it didn't take last time 10 minutes tonight will most liekly not do the trick.

Be careful - but good luck whatever you decide.
Let us know how it turns out! I hope it goes well.
What color is your hair naturally? I wish haircolor worked the same for everybody. It can be so confusing.
I'm so impatient!!!!! I'll try to wait a week and see how my hair is doing and then add a little heat next hair is naturally dark brown and right now it's a little less dark brown...more medium brown.
Yeah I think heat would help. I always do my color with heat. Take a mirror under the hooded dryer with you so you can watch it process and in the meantime wash it twice and give yourself a protein treatment both times.

Make sure you don't apply the color to the roots right away either. Ends first, process for ten minutes, then roots. And make sure you have enough color (I use 2 boxes)....

Good Luck girl.