COLD WEATHER SHEDDING Support....Post Shedding Problems and Solutions!


Active Member
:afro:I have read alot of post where it seems like everybody is having bad shedding right now.:sad: I thought it might be a great idea for all of us to post our shedding symptoms, treatments, resolutions, research, products, and methods in one place so that we can come back to it because it is likely that after the shedding is just might come back again.

:afro:I recently read online somewhere that your hair acclimates to drastic temperature changes so if you dont cover your head in the should because your hair actually freezes, then it gets warm again when you get warm and so on.

:afro:I dont know if it is related but I tried MTG during the summer and it was working but I just didnt keep doing it because it stinks and makes me GAG:barf:. Well I pulled out the bottle again from under the sink and tried it again. My hair was tore up. It was shedding like you would not believe. I stopped after a week and clarified and did a DC. The shedding stopped but now its breaking a little. I think it did a little damage. I think I am not going to even use my sulfur concoction until my hair acclimates to the cold temperatures.
Here its been warm then cold then warm again. Lately its been staying cold and I think its going to stay that way for awhile.

:afro:So start posting ladies........lets help each other get this shedding under control
I believe this info is from Sistaslicks articles

UPDATE: Winterizing (posted 11/29/07 2016cst

Here is what I did today.

I did an indigo treatment. I added a couple tablespoons of aphoghee, olive oil, mixed in with very warm (not hot) water, added an egg and stirred it in. I left it in my hair for about 2.5 hours. I rinsed out and and DC'd with Nacidit Olive oil condish, with a little Neutrogena Triple Moisture. Afterwards, I used my leave in and some heat protection and dried with a warm blow dryer. My hair feels great. I look forward to a no excessive shedding winter season.( i have some pixs, that I havent uploaded yet.)
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Another article about cold weather hair treatment.

I forgot to post the article. I will have to find it again.

Come on ladies... share your comments
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:afro:I have read alot of post where it seems like everybody is having bad shedding right now.:sad: I thought it might be a great idea for all of us to post our shedding symptoms, treatments, resolutions, research, products, and methods in one place so that we can come back to it because it is likely that after the shedding is just might come back again.

:afro:I recently read online somewhere that your hair acclimates to drastic temperature changes so if you dont cover your head in the should because your hair actually freezes, then it gets warm again when you get warm and so on.

:afro:I dont know if it is related but I tried MTG during the summer and it was working but I just didnt keep doing it because it stinks and makes me GAG:barf:. Well I pulled out the bottle again from under the sink and tried it again. My hair was tore up. It was shedding like you would not believe. I stopped after a week and clarified and did a DC. The shedding stopped but now its breaking a little. I think it did a little damage. I think I am not going to even use my sulfur concoction until my hair acclimates to the cold temperatures.
Here its been warm then cold then warm again. Lately its been staying cold and I think its going to stay that way for awhile.

:afro:So start posting ladies........lets help each other get this shedding under control

OMG The same thing has happend to me. I used my MTG mix and it seemed to make me shed more than normal. Hmm. I guess i'll be putting my bottle away. The weather has been the same here, early today it was hot and at night i have to scrape the ice off my windows:perplexed My hair started shedding badly about 3 weeks ago and i hadn't been able to combat it except to wear braids for a while because i might clog up my sinks:sad:
I was shedding during the whole month of October, then I started applying my homemade blend of coconut and castor oils daily or every other day and that reduced the shedding. Then last weekend, I did a henna-indigo-amla treatment which brought the shedding to practically nothing.
I was shedding during the whole month of October, then I started applying my homemade blend of coconut and castor oils daily or every other day and that reduced the shedding. Then last weekend, I did a henna-indigo-amla treatment which brought the shedding to practically nothing.

Great...I just ordered some henna. thanks for sharing.
I did a DC yesterday with some coconut condish, the shedding slowed, but now I am breaking like crazy.
I was reading Cathy Howse "Hair Tips" and she stated in order to keep something that is dead (hair) alive you must keep it moisturized. With my hair being texlaxed this is a serious matter for me. She also said the scalp is not the issue focus on the ends. With that said my winter regimen will consist of the follow in an effort to control dryness and shedding:

*once a month shampoos while doing my once a month Henna/Indigo GlossTreatment

*once a week Pantene Mask and jobaba oil steam treatment before I co-wash with Jobaba oil conditioner by Dessert Essence

*twice a week oil message with Vitaka (Coconut, henna, alma oil)

*every other day moisturize my ends with NTM silk touch and seal with the Vitaka oil

I currently working on a low manipulation and low heat styling methods. This is still a work in progress. My hair is 4a/b and fine. I believe this will help with my dryness and shedding problem.:yep: In Chicago a winter regimen is a must have!
I accept my yearly shed as a healthy part of having a healthy head of hair - the old dying, falling out, and making way for the new. It doesn't hurt the trees to lose their leaves once a year - in fact it HELPS, by allowing them time to rest and to prepare for growing new leaves next year.

So, all I do about my shedding is make sure that I'm tight with my detangling, so that the extra shed hair doesn't cause my hair to tangle.

I'm esp. gentle with my hair, making sure it stays moisturized, and doesn't rub up against my sweaters/coats/etc.

I'm good to my scalp - since it's winter, I'm sweating less, and so I have to work harder to be sure that my scalp is shedding it's skin and sebum and it's being cleaned/rinsed away on a regular basis.

Otherwise, I kick back, and wait for the springtime growth spurt.
:afro:That is a really good way to look at it. Easier said than done though. Since this is my first year on LCHF, I see it falling and ugh....I want to make sure that this is normal..for me, since I never really paid any attention to this since joining this forum.

Since on average you are supposed to shed 50-100 hairs daily than if you think that you shedding more than these is that "normal" because the season changed.
I dont think in theory that humans shed hair like fur on animals or foilage but not sure just thinking out loud.

I am thinking more along the lines that you probally are suppose to have a seasonal regimine or something to deal with the you cover your body with a coat in the winter and wear sandals in the summer, I guess you need to tweek your hair products too for season changes...I never really thought about that.....

:afropick:Geez, I just got myself totally confused......:perplexed I hope that made sense.

I accept my yearly shed as a healthy part of having a healthy head of hair - the old dying, falling out, and making way for the new. It doesn't hurt the trees to lose their leaves once a year - in fact it HELPS, by allowing them time to rest and to prepare for growing new leaves next year.

So, all I do about my shedding is make sure that I'm tight with my detangling, so that the extra shed hair doesn't cause my hair to tangle.

I'm esp. gentle with my hair, making sure it stays moisturized, and doesn't rub up against my sweaters/coats/etc.

I'm good to my scalp - since it's winter, I'm sweating less, and so I have to work harder to be sure that my scalp is shedding it's skin and sebum and it's being cleaned/rinsed away on a regular basis.

Otherwise, I kick back, and wait for the springtime growth spurt.
True, true - if this is your first year being aware of it, that makes a difference. I learned that my hair grows much slower in the winter from when I had locs, because I could go almost 2 months before tightening up my roots, whereas in the summer, I could BARELY go a month without looking like I had a lil afro under my dreads. :grin:

So, once my hair was loose, it was no big suprise to me that not only did growth slow, I also shed more - a lot more. And normally, I don't shed anywhere NEAR 50-100 hairs a DAY - maybe more like 300 a week (if that). So, I figure that the average amount of hair shed HAS to average out over the seasons.....

And I don't see why humans wouldn't shed just like animals - we're mammals, and no matter how advanced we get, our bodies are still strongly influenced by the seasons and the moon - that's a proven fact.

As far as regimen changes, I don't tweak based on the weather, I tweak based on what my hair needs/wants - it's a subtle difference, but I think it's an important one, and sometimes I don't even realize I've done it til I look back. For example - the last couple of weeks, I've been using pomade in my hair again, more than the glycerin/conditioner spritz - I suspect it's because my hair isn't getting 'dried out' as fast with the lack of heat - but it IS getting 'roughed up' from the cold, and thus the pomade was a better conditioning/sealing choice.....but it wasn't a 'consious' change that I made - I was just reacting to what my hair was telling me....

if that made any sense.... :look:
Oh, thank you Stella:hug2:! This thread took such a weight off of my shoulders! I was actually thinking about doing a minichop after the challenge b/c I was shedding a little too much. I went from 10-20 strands of hair to about twice that much in the past 2 weeks:sad:.
If you dont have any extenuating health issues, consider the following:

I really feel like MSM did it for me.

If you try this, remember to give it a chance to work it's magic,
most say 3 months, but I feel like I saw
results in 3 weeks, trust I am not exaggerating

When choosing your brand, BE CAREFUL...
GymFreak has listed some of the best brands in her vit-thread

Start out slowly, dont take a lot at once in the beginion, slowly build your intake. I am coming up on 2 teaspoons and I dont plan on exceeding that.

I have read loads of lit on the topic and highly recommend this vit for shedding.

My own notes:
- I also do Cinnamon treatments
- I only comb on wash days (lo-man girl :yep:)

Things I have heard about but not tried:

-Garlic Poo/condition
- And I plan on using some essential oils too, the ones I have chosen are especially geared for shedding
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Wow, I thought it was just me having a problem with shedding. My shedding stopped after I started doing nightly oil "soak/massage" with the dark green, "stinky" Amla oil that I would leave in overnight (plastic wrap/doo rag), and daily co-washes. Since I had the severe itching episode with one of my growth aid mixtures, I've not used any at all. I've got to wait until my scalp is not irritated at all, and get an allergy treatment for peppermint oil before I start using them again. I've ordered the mahabharingaraj oil, and I'll be using that along with the Amla oil.
I just busted out my bottle of Dabur Amla oil last week.
I had slacked off of it by just using it for my hot oil tx. I think I am going to start to use it more often.

I have also been checking out CandyC s tips too and am going to start some of her suggestions.

Wow, I thought it was just me having a problem with shedding. My shedding stopped after I started doing nightly oil "soak/massage" with the dark green, "stinky" Amla oil that I would leave in overnight (plastic wrap/doo rag), and daily co-washes. Since I had the severe itching episode with one of my growth aid mixtures, I've not used any at all. I've got to wait until my scalp is not irritated at all, and get an allergy treatment for peppermint oil before I start using them again. I've ordered the mahabharingaraj oil, and I'll be using that along with the Amla oil.