Cold Weather/Dry Hair



Well ladies, finally the cold blast seems to be lifting here in NY. The days reaching no higher than 15 degrees were treacherous on my hair. Dry beyond belief to a point, no matter how much moisture I used, my hair could not retain any moisture. I'm happy to report, the weather's improving and I've already experienced a growth spurt as well as my hair retaining moisture normally. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Anyone else from ny noticed an improvement with their hair since the temperature change?
Well, I'm just north of you in MA, and this winter has been HELL on my hair. I've been carrying a small bottle of Dew to spritz my hair with all day long. I use the curl activator, but with 1 and 3 degree weather, even the curl activator dries up fast. It's a little warmer, 19 degrees today, and my hair does feel less crisp. I can't wait for spring. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I can totally understand. Today it decided to snow again and has been so cold. Thank God for the ankle length puffa with the large hood, cause that hood is making all the difference for me from my front door to the station and back again every day. I've had to wash my hair everyday this week instead of every 2 days. I think also because I've had to up the heating this is also a contributing factor. But I'm going to have to wash and condition the hell out it again in a few.
Well, I'm south of you (here in Maryland). The temperature here as gotten a bit higher, and my hair seems to be loving it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Heck, it's about time! But now it's snowing here. So, hopefully the frigid temperatures won't return.