Cold Wave Rods


Well-Known Member
I am a new newbie. First I just want to thank all of you ladies for the helpful info I have recieved lurking on this site. I am in transistion and thanks to the info I have found here and on other sites hopefully all my hair won't get damaged and break off in the process...LOL. I don't plan on doing a BC until about 80-90% of my hair is natural. Right now I am 18 weeks post relaxer. I got my last and final relaxer December 29, 2008. :yep:

Anyway on to my question. I tried to rod set my hair using cold wave rods. I bought the orange ones thinking they would fit my hair but when I unrolled my hair I looked like I had a curly perm. :nono:I looked a mess. In stead of the big bouncy curls I have seen on other ladies I had small tight curls.

Obviously, I need a larger size rod but I am not sure how much larger I need. What's the best way to pick the right size rod for my shoulder length hair?

I don't want to get something too big then I won't get a good tight curl but I don't want something too small because then I'll look like I did the last time I tried this.

Also, the curls didn't hold up. So if anybody could recommend a good setting/wrapping lotion that won't make my hair hard and heavy I would appreciate it. :drunk:
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I have no clue about this. Are cold wave rods the ones that make spiral curls? I think you want the regular kind of rollers.

Try looking in the rollersetting challenge or other rollersetting threads. I know they must talk about the rollers in there.
Thanks I appreciate your response. A rod set is a little different than a regular roller set. A rod set gives you ringlets (Shirley Temple curls) and it should last for at least a week. It's a low manipulation style that's good to cover up the 2 textures if you are transitioning.

I'll look over in those threads you suggested though.

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I am currently wearing cold rods now....because I am transitioning and wanted to do a protective style..while looking cute lol... The first time that i did the rods, i was like how in the world am i going to walk out the house like this.... i looked like i had a twa!! Mind you my is is almost shoulder legnth..but im not like some of these ladies who will just rock any style and make it work and look cute.. my HAIR has to look cute first then i will!! lol

Heres what i did to turn it into a banging style:

*After i DCed while SOAKING WET
*I used three size rollers- the orange, purple and grey - used bigger as i got towards the top
*Iused an ayurvedic oil blend on my scalp then
*I used Elasta QP Design Foam Feels Like Silk ( makes your hair shiny and soft, but holds the curls)
*Then i either air dry or sit under dryer
Thats it... i wouldnt use to much oil or other product because it can weigh your hair down
Now you will still get a twa but it will be shiney and look like you have natually curly hair because its not hard or sticky..

As for the stlyeing, i made a cute part then blow-dryed the curls with warm or cold air while pulling at them a little, of course pull the curls apart... The result is like you have natural looking spiral curls, the longer you pull and blow dry the more they will hang...

I was still uncomfortable because i usually love my flat irons and wearing my hair straight, but i got many many compliments... i would love to post a pic but i havent been able to figure out how to do that yet :-/ if you would like PM me and i can email a pic to you and give u any other pointers. HTH
Cold Wave rods will give you a tight curl. Maybe you should try flexi rods for more of an spiral? I don't think the larger rods are going to make the curls hang more. I would try Lottabody, Elasta QP's setting foam or Motions Foaming Wrap Lotion for your set.
I am currently wearing cold rods now....because I am transitioning and wanted to do a protective style..while looking cute lol... The first time that i did the rods, i was like how in the world am i going to walk out the house like this.... i looked like i had a twa!! Mind you my is is almost shoulder legnth..but im not like some of these ladies who will just rock any style and make it work and look cute.. my HAIR has to look cute first then i will!! lol

Heres what i did to turn it into a banging style:

*After i DCed while SOAKING WET
*I used three size rollers- the orange, purple and grey - used bigger as i got towards the top
*Iused an ayurvedic oil blend on my scalp then
*I used Elasta QP Design Foam Feels Like Silk ( makes your hair shiny and soft, but holds the curls)
*Then i either air dry or sit under dryer
Thats it... i wouldnt use to much oil or other product because it can weigh your hair down
Now you will still get a twa but it will be shiney and look like you have natually curly hair because its not hard or sticky..

As for the stlyeing, i made a cute part then blow-dryed the curls with warm or cold air while pulling at them a little, of course pull the curls apart... The result is like you have natural looking spiral curls, the longer you pull and blow dry the more they will hang...

I was still uncomfortable because i usually love my flat irons and wearing my hair straight, but i got many many compliments... i would love to post a pic but i havent been able to figure out how to do that yet :-/ if you would like PM me and i can email a pic to you and give u any other pointers. HTH

Thank you Thank you Thank you this is exactly the info I was looking for. One question though when you blow dried and pulled the curls apart was your hair already dry?
Cold Wave rods will give you a tight curl. Maybe you should try flexi rods for more of an spiral? I don't think the larger rods are going to make the curls hang more. I would try Lottabody, Elasta QP's setting foam or Motions Foaming Wrap Lotion for your set.

Oh so the flexi rods will give me the hang that I want....well that explains alot...wrong rollers, DUH LOL...
I'm natural 4b. I use it all the time when doing two strand twists with flaxseed gel. I use the white perm rods.

Thank you Thank you Thank you this is exactly the info I was looking for. One question though when you blow dried and pulled the curls apart was your hair already dry?

oHHH yes! make sure that they are dry... if not they will be limp and not bounce back when you loosen the curl with the blow dryer.