Cold water rinse?


New Member
Does anyone do their final rinse in cold water to seal the cuticle? I use to and my hair hated it, now that I don't my hair does so much better! Just curious.
it depends. actually when my hair was in a bad shape and i tried it, it tangled. when my hair was in a better shape, i never got tangles with cold water rinses
I ONLY use cold water to wash my hair, never warm or hot. I always request cold water at the salon. The only time I allow warm water is when my relaxer is washed out. All other times, cold water only on my hair! I always try to treat my hair as if it was the most expensive silk garmet in my closet that requires the gentlest of handling. Imagine what happens if you wash it in hot or warm water? Just a thought.
I, like anky, wash in lukewarm/tepid water then rinse in cool/cold. A tip I found is that when you rinse your conditioner from your hair, leave some of it in for moisture, especially on the ends. Another benefit is your hair will shine from the cool/cold water rinse. I don't know about our hair, but I bet it's worth it.

I do the cold water rinse, seems to make my hair smoother.
At first it was a bit of a shock (the coldness) but now it's quite refreshing.
I haven't ever tried this, maybe I should. The color water always gives me a shock when I'm at my mom's salon.
I remember my mother doing this to my hair when I was a little girl. She said that it was so I wouldn't get a cold. I later found out that it seals the cuticles and also allows blood circulation.

Anyways, to answer your question, I do this as a final rinse. :yep:
I don't cold water rinse it makes my hair tangly AND I wash my hair in the shower. I hate the feeling of cold water on my body! lol
How do you guys stand it?!

I hate cold water on my head. I do try to do a quick dunk under the cold after washing in the shower sometimes because I hear it's good for your hair but I could never just stand under cold water. Maybe I'll try it this summer on a super hot uncomfortable day when it may feel good.
I'm a big fan of the cold water rinse. Lately I've been washing in the big sink in the laundry room so I can use cold water. I'm sort of a wimp in the shower :lol:
I do cool water rinses after I detangle and rinse out my conditioner. It doesn't cause my hair to tangle and I don't really see a benefit, I've just always done it that way.
I've never tried the cold rinse, because I shampoo in the shower, but I'll try it soon.

Goldensuga: Your hair is beautiful! :yep: The cold water rinses are definitely working for you.
I try to always do this. When I first started it seemed like it made my hair hard or something, not sure why, maybe the prepoos but I don't have that problem anymore. I used to do it ice cold but when the hair would touch the back and that cold a$$ I just do cool/cold not freezing.
I use one of those special hose/nozzle thingys (whatever they're called :lol: ) in my shower - It makes withstanding the coldwater a lot more bearable when it's not hitting my whole body!
I wash with warm water and do a cold water rinse last. It does help, but now I wonder if I should stop doing it because the leave-in conditioners just sit on top of the hair (coat it) if the cuticle is closed by the cool water.
metalkitty said:
Meh, makes my hair tangle and my products don't seem to absorb as well for some reason, anyone know why?

Yeah, for some reason my hair seems hard! When I don't do it, it feels softer and more manageable. Just curious.
I tried rinsing with cold water for a while, but it's just too much for me in the shower! I rinse with warm water.
Dolapo said:
it depends. actually when my hair was in a bad shape and i tried it, it tangled. when my hair was in a better shape, i never got tangles with cold water rinses

Same here. I can actually tell if a particular area of my hair is damaged when I do a cold water rinse. If I use cold water and my hair is damaged that area will defintely tangle.