Coffee for Hair Growth!

I just went to the Dollar Store and went into the coffee section. They have coffee packets, like the Crystal Light ones. Just add boiling water. They were only a dollar.

Does the roast type matter? I got some dark roast coffee.
I just went to the Dollar Store and went into the coffee section. They have coffee packets, like the Crystal Light ones. Just add boiling water. They were only a dollar.

Does the roast type matter? I got some dark roast coffee.

I think one of the links posted above mentioned something about not using instant coffee..... but I wasn't checking to see why. :ohwell:
Y'all don't get it. :lachen: Believe me, coffee is strongest in caffeine the closer it is to green. The more you roast it, the more caffeine you lose. That's why people don't get the jitters so much from a french roast or espresso that they would get with a regular American drip coffee. Green coffee would yield more caffeine than tea. I guess that if someone ground and boiled the green one, they would get a coffee that looks like Arab coffee drink (like what is drunk in Saudi) and it resembles a light tea. You'd probably not get the staining. I have some green coffee beans around here somewhere and I'll test it. If anyone wanted to try it, got to an Arab marketplace or Ethiopian one (they like to roast their own coffee for ceremonies etc.). They definitely say to not use instant tea or coffee as a hair rinse:

The information behind the link is - meh. It says to not use instant, but doesn't say why....... maybe instant is processed some odd way - well, it's obviously processed some odd way - but she was also talking about using it as coffee to dye hair, not using it as caffeine to help hair grow, so..... *shrug* I dunno.

Seems like unless someone finds a more concrete reason to not use instant - it's up to you.
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I thought instant coffee was fine to use.....? That's what I'm using.
Instant coffee was mentioned in an article, as something not to use.I don't know why, but I think it was primarily in reference to darkening hair. However, just veer on the safe side and try for regular. In addition, for those considering alternative means of caffeine, a pharmacist somewhere in the middle of the thread also mentioned other ingredients i coffee that could benefit the scalp and stimulate growth (like a natural mn), so that's why I used coffee on my wash day in addition to my final rinse with nettle tea. I only used nettle tea because I've been using it as a rinse for a little while, and I think it really stimulates growth so I wanted to continue with that.
I will be trying this!

Someone please correct me if I’m wrong:

After shampooing, dc - brew the coffee pour on head, massage, leave on for ½ hour rinse, style as usual?

Also, is it Ok to mixed some brewed coffee with a daily moisturizer or use it as a leave in? Does the coffee HAVE TO be rinsed out?
You can leave it on for as long as you want, depending on how sensitive your scalp is. People earlier in the thread said 2 minutes or more, I read online and posted articles saying that you could leave it longer but monitor scalp for irritation, so I left mine on for 30 minutes without any problems. Rinse, style as usual. I read somewhere, and I don't have the article right now, but it said that you could leave coffee in...the only reason to rinse is because it leaves hair sticky. But I was thinking, what if I rinse my head, but try to leave some on the scalp? Like hold head on final rinse so it gets off most of my hair, but is left on the scalp, so hair isn't sticky. Also making a coffee application sounds good. The only other place that I've read about in the uK has an application that you can apply daily, and I was thinking of how to apply that to us, since we can't order Alpecin which is primarily for male baldness in UK (it's primary ingredient is coffee). So anyways, I say yes! But there's no need to put it in the hair, only on the scalp. So if you have something that you primarily use on the scalp, that you mix some coffee in, it sounds like it would help the effects. I was thinking of what kind of mixture I could do to try this myself.
It seems that if Nitrogen aids in hair growth, then coffee would work for hair growth along the same lines as miconazole nitrate (MN), another nitrogen-containing product. Along with the blood stimulation to the hair follicles helping with growth, coffee could be the truth! :yep:
I'm in on this one...gonna try to infuse jojoba oil with the ground coffee beans (greenest I can find) for max absorption into the scalp and use the oil as a pre-treatment to the MT/OCT application.

Btw, I'm not a "chemist" but I am a registered pharmacist, so IMHO, I would not suggest using any of those ground up No Doz/Vivarin pills for this due to all the fillers used to make the tablet/capsule (big molecules that may not blend or absorb into the scalp) with untold poss. side effects to the scalp :nono:.

I didn't do any specific research on this, I'm just speaking from MY experience with compounding tablets like this into mixtures at work.

Found the pharmacist of the group. Just a reminder to those considering the powdered versions and others. 1st, there may be more than one ingredient to coffee that helps growth and 2, you need to proceed with caution for the tablets. We don't know how much is too much. Even if it's absorbed through the scalp, some gets into the blood according to studies I've read. So don't go for overkill to get results and harm yourself. Start small and work up. I'm just worried as I want us all to remain healthy! That's the most important thing of all.

I agree 100% about SAFETY FIRST!

That being said, I keep referring back to the study.
1. the study was caffeine's affect on hair loss/growth
2. it was left on for a minimum of 2 minutes (in shampoo form)

Since this is the first hair growth band wagon I've jumped on, I'm going by the study. I'm not going to use coffee or tea. If I can get my hands on the Boots spray I'll use that. In the meantime, I will make my own concoction. I will try it in my shampoo, my conditioner and mix a spray. The study did not say anything about nitrogen, as it studied caffeine only not coffee. Since most of us agree with nuggetrock's post about fillers in pills, and DSP posted pure caffeine powder, I feel somewhat confident that a small amount of powdered caffeine mixed into my products should be fine and not harmful. The study did not give amounts in mg so I don't know how much to mix so I will start small.

From the study:
This was counteracted by caffeine in concentrations of 0.001 percent and 0.005 percent. Moreover, caffeine alone led to a significant stimulation of hair follicle growth.

The Alpecin website stated to use the shampoo no more than two minutes for the caffeine to work on the follicle but not to penetrate the scalp. However, they also make a liquid that you apply and leave in (it probably has a weaker caffeine content).

I said all that to say this: based on the study and the products on the market as a result of the study (Boots and Alpecin for example), it appears that caffeine alone is all that is needed and in small amounts. It can be added to various mediums for application with seemingly the same results.
I agree 100% about SAFETY FIRST!

That being said, I keep referring back to the study.
1. the study was caffeine's affect on hair loss/growth
2. it was left on for a minimum of 2 minutes (in shampoo form)

Since this is the first hair growth band wagon I've jumped on, I'm going by the study. I'm not going to use coffee or tea. If I can get my hands on the Boots spray I'll use that. In the meantime, I will make my own concoction. I will try it in my shampoo, my conditioner and mix a spray. The study did not say anything about nitrogen, as it studied caffeine only not coffee. Since most of us agree with nuggetrock's post about fillers in pills, and DSP posted pure caffeine powder, I feel somewhat confident that a small amount of powdered caffeine mixed into my products should be fine and not harmful. The study did not give amounts in mg so I don't know how much to mix so I will start small.

The Alpecin website stated to use the shampoo no more than two minutes for the caffeine to work on the follicle but not to penetrate the scalp. However, they also make a liquid that you apply and leave in (it probably has a weaker caffeine content).

I said all that to say this: based on the study and the products on the market as a result of the study (Boots and Alpecin for example), it appears that caffeine alone is all that is needed and in small amounts. It can be added to various mediums for application with seemingly the same results.
Good luck! I know the alpecin site that I looked at actually does say caffeine, and not coffee, but the one I looked at says that it can be left on longer than 2 minutes. Our coffee theories are because of other people who have mentioned growth, and the other article that was provided earlier by another member on coffee. As for the Alpecin site of how long, I'm just going to provide info so that people will know or be able to decide, how long to apply whichever version of caffeine they use. It says:
Can I enhance the effect of Caffeine Shampoo, if I leave the shampoo on for longer than 2 minutes?

Leaving the product on for a longer period of time also boosts caffeine absorption in the scalp. A study by the Charité university clinic in Berlin has shown that absorption of the active ingredient increases for a period of up to 30 minutes that the product is left on the scalp. After that, penetration via the skin surrounding the follicles has increased to such an extent that additional caffeine availability is ensured for up to about eight hours. If you leave the product on the scalp for longer than 2 minutes, you should check your scalp type and scalp condition. Depending on your scalp's sensitivity, leaving the product on excessively long can result in temporary redness. For further information, please visit

This is the reason I left mine on for 18 minutes. It also says to leave it on for at least 2-5 minutes. I thought I posted this earlier. Sorry you guys! I was reading away, and posting different studies, and just assumed I posted this info.

Also there was another article that I read (which I'll have to look for) which states that caffeine absorbed can go into your bloodsteam from the hair follicles. That was the only reason I mentioned the careful about the amount of caffeine that you place on your scalp. If I can find that one I'll post it. I realize that it says that caffeine alone is needed, however I thought our resident pharmacist had some good theories about coffee too. This is relatively new, so they are assuming that's all that is needed. It's kinda like mn, who knew it grew hair (although I am more interested in the natural route), no one originally did studies about that. I was just thinking about the others out there who have said their relatives put coffee on their hair and they had long hair growth from it. Either way we do it, be it coffee, or whatever other means, I'm sure we'll all monitor our progress and see which way or ways, are the best, so that others who may follow (if it is a success) will know which route may be best for them. So it's different strokes I guess for each of us! To hair growth! Salute!

I agree 100% about SAFETY FIRST!

That being said, I keep referring back to the study.
1. the study was caffeine's affect on hair loss/growth
2. it was left on for a minimum of 2 minutes (in shampoo form)

... The study did not give amounts in mg so I don't know how much to mix so I will
start small
Yes, coffee stimulates growth.
I do herbal rinse for growth and color with tea, coffee, horsetail and others...
The first time that I used coffee with henna, it was too strong...
Cautions with coffee:
*It stains when wet.
*If you have high blood pressure, please don't use coffee, it's better to use tea (it's softer).
Are the green coffee beans available under and brand names you would recognize in an Arab we are familiar with Pilon or Folgers for example?

Hey, where's hwiseman ??????? I really want to know more about the green coffee beans.............................
Found the pharmacist of the group. Just a reminder to those considering the powdered versions and others. 1st, there may be more than one ingredient to coffee that helps growth and 2, you need to proceed with caution for the tablets. We don't know how much is too much. Even if it's absorbed through the scalp, some gets into the blood according to studies I've read. So don't go for overkill to get results and harm yourself. Start small and work up. I'm just worried as I want us all to remain healthy! That's the most important thing of all.

It's caffeine that makes your hair grow, not coffee, so using coffee might present more - random ingredients - then using a pure caffeine powder would.
Plus, coffee is messy, and it stains. :lol:

Based on the studies, it looks like it's a very low concentration of caffeine, and that the amount of time that it can be safely left on the scalp is almost totally related to how sensitive your scalp is.

I'm going to go & do some comparison shopping for caffeine powder, now. :yep:
Hey, where's hwiseman ??????? I really want to know more about the green coffee beans.............................

Oh sorry...I move around a lot. Green coffee their natural form yield the most caffeine. Just grind an boil. I usually get mine from an Ethiopian shop but you can probably find them in Arab stores as well. And I just sent a post about Guarana. Could probably steep it and pour the liquid on.
It's caffeine that makes your hair grow, not coffee, so using coffee might present more - random ingredients - then using a pure caffeine powder would.
Plus, coffee is messy, and it stains. :lol:

Based on the studies, it looks like it's a very low concentration of caffeine, and that the amount of time that it can be safely left on the scalp is almost totally related to how sensitive your scalp is.

I'm going to go & do some comparison shopping for caffeine powder, now. :yep:
see Kiya, that's what i'm wondering. i would have no clue how much powder to even begin with. and the messiness is why i nixed the coffee rinse idea (plus i drink coffee daily but i'm not fond of the scent - go figure). the minimum time seems to be at least 2 minutes. longer than that it will get into your blood stream (i guess). PLUS the study was on men's hair, not women's so the effects will more than likely vary. i'm still gonna hop on this wagon...LOL

the Boots stuff i can't find in the US but i could order from

if i can find powder @ a local store i'll still give it a go, i can always use the powder later in my beverages (i'm not 'fraid :look:)

see Kiya, that's what i'm wondering. i would have no clue how much powder to even begin with. and the messiness is why i nixed the coffee rinse idea (plus i drink coffee daily but i'm not fond of the scent - go figure). the minimum time seems to be at least 2 minutes. longer than that it will get into your blood stream (i guess). PLUS the study was on men's hair, not women's so the effects will more than likely vary. i'm still gonna hop on this wagon...LOL

the Boots stuff i can't find in the US but i could order from

if i can find powder @ a local store i'll still give it a go, i can always use the powder later in my beverages (i'm not 'fraid :look:)


Yeah, a concentration of 0.005% is - tiny. I suck at math. *thinks*

If you used 10 ounces of 'solution' you would use 1/2 ounce of caffeine? Is that right? And 5 oz = 1/4 oz of caffeine, so forth and so on? :look: Or are my percents totally off?
It's caffeine that makes your hair grow, not coffee, so using coffee might present more - random ingredients - then using a pure caffeine powder would.
Plus, coffee is messy, and it stains. :lol:

Based on the studies, it looks like it's a very low concentration of caffeine, and that the amount of time that it can be safely left on the scalp is almost totally related to how sensitive your scalp is.

I'm going to go & do some comparison shopping for caffeine powder, now. :yep:
Alright you guys! I was just concerned about the concentration of the caffeine in powders and stuff. I was so afraid that people were so excited that they were going to put on 1,000,000 mg and give themselves a heart attack or stroke (joking about the mg, but not the latter). I was just concerned. You guys go get that powder, and I'll keep staining away with my coffee!
Ooooh, ballsy! You aren't concerned about the other stuff? And can I just quickly say that I'm so puzzled that they put MINERAL OIL in something that's supposed to be injested? *shudder* Thas jes nassy.

Vivarin doesn't have mineral oil in it. :blush:

I think as with most growth aids, the more regularly you do it, the better.... I can't remember how often the people in the studies were applying caffeine, but a PP was talking about using the green coffee spray twice a day.....

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

I don't know if it works the same way when applied topically, since coffee applied topically works differently than it does when injested.


Though, this does bring up the thought of using some of those adult warming gels - all they are doing in increasing the blood flow to the area, right?



Yeah, a concentration of 0.005% is - tiny. I suck at math. *thinks*

If you used 10 ounces of 'solution' you would use 1/2 ounce of caffeine? Is that right? And 5 oz = 1/4 oz of caffeine, so forth and so on? :look: Or are my percents totally off?

Math makes my head and eyes spin :drunk: :spinning: :look:
Alright you guys! I was just concerned about the concentration of the caffeine in powders and stuff. I was so afraid that people were so excited that they were going to put on 1,000,000 mg and give themselves a heart attack or stroke (joking about the mg, but not the latter). I was just concerned. You guys go get that powder, and I'll keep staining away with my coffee!

I feel you, I feel you - people do like to go overboard with things! We'll keep it safe, and try to stay within the guidelines of the study. If my math was right, that seems like a most reasonable amount of powder. :yep:
Yeah, a concentration of 0.005% is - tiny. I suck at math. *thinks*

If you used 10 ounces of 'solution' you would use 1/2 ounce of caffeine? Is that right? And 5 oz = 1/4 oz of caffeine, so forth and so on? :look: Or are my percents totally off?

i suk @ math too :spinning:

Alright you guys! I was just concerned about the concentration of the caffeine in powders and stuff. I was so afraid that people were so excited that they were going to put on 1,000,000 mg and give themselves a heart attack or stroke (joking about the mg, but not the latter). I was just concerned. You guys go get that powder, and I'll keep staining away with my coffee!

you are ABSOLUTELY right. that's why i'm skurred and rather try a pre-made product. that's why i also made it clear that i don't advocate the use of the caffeine tabs/powder and that *emphasis* I was going to do it.

someone could definately OD on caffeine through absorption in the blood stream. absorption is the easiest way to get something in one's bloodstream and the skin is the body's largest organ. if one showers, i can imagine the potential for the caffeine to get into eyes and other pores not just the scalp so you are right it can be potentiall dangerous and life threatening for some if done wrong. again, that is why i'm wondering how much i'd have to mix and that i'd rather pay for the alpecin or Boots.
Im too afraid to mess with pure caffein poweder. You guys are right folks will get carried away. Im about to wash DC and do a coffee rinse. 2 minutes no more in the shower. I will do it 2 times a week for the next 3 weeks and see how it goes. I got some Expresso Powder at for $1.67. Off to wash and DC I will update you guys on the about the the effects of the caffeine.