Coffee for Hair Growth!

<<<Funny. Very Funny.[/b][/color]
Girl. While you're trippin' we already use Molasses and Honey....Baking Soda - that's the biscuits, Cornstarch, Salt, Butter (ghee), Lard, Milk, a few people use bacon fat (i'm serious:look:) and we can't forget the eggs!

Girl I was hip on baking soda and crisco since I was on BHM. I tried baking soda and it's a :nono: for me. I like my good old clarifying shampoo. Never tried salt though. Bacon fat? Hells no. That'll just take me back to my mtg days. Nope.
So I came across some interesting articles, inspired by a look at SouthernTease's blog. I revisted the idea of using coffee for hair growth. It seems caffeine stimulates hair follicle growth.

The study isn't complete and I believe they're still developing a topical application, but the idea's interesting!

I work for my school's dining services and I throw coffee out every night. Now I'll save the caffeine, mix it with my new shea butter and use it on my scalp. Better yet, I'll try infusing coffee into an oil. We'll see how that turns out.

I'll experiment on myself to see if this works!


Study proves caffeine in shampoo does penetrate to the hair follicle
Posted on April 3rd, 2007 in Hair Loss News, Hair Loss Studies by admin | 1,333 Views |

Caffeine is being used as an ingredient in some hair loss shampoos. The reason for this is that an in-vitro study was done where follicles were treated with a caffeine solution and it was found that caffeine blocks the effects of a DHT, the hormone that causes Male Pattern Baldness and damages the hair follicles
Dr Fischer, who conducted the first trial, took scalp biopsies from 14 men in the early stages of hair loss. He extracted the hair follicles and then placed them in test tubes with solutions containing different levels of caffeine. The follicles that were being treated with caffeine saw their average growth increase by around 46 per cent and the life cycle of the hair extended by 37 per cent, when compared to the control group.
This study prompted some manufacturers to add caffeine to their hair loss products.
In this study, researchers in Germany wanted to see if topically applied caffeine could be delivered to the follicle when being part of a shampoo.
According to their study they were able to prove that after 2 minutes of shampooing, the caffeine in the shampoo was able to penetrate into the scalp via the hair follicles and stratum corneum (the outermost layer of the skin).
This proves that shampoo is an effective delivery vehicle for caffeine, provided that it’s left on the scalp for 2 minutes or more.

Follicular Penetration of Topically Applied Caffeine via a Shampoo Formulation.

Full study:

Interesting... I drink probably over 2 liters of Diet Coke every day and I'm lucky if I get 3/4" of new growth every three months. On the other hand, maybe all the chemicals in the soda are destroying my health. It makes sense that caffeine would increase hair growth, but maybe it would have to be taken in a form other than ... Diet Coke.
Interesting... I drink probably over 2 liters of Diet Coke every day and I'm lucky if I get 3/4" of new growth every three months. On the other hand, maybe all the chemicals in the soda are destroying my health. It makes sense that caffeine would increase hair growth, but maybe it would have to be taken in a form other than ... Diet Coke.
Not from intake. You'd have to drink over 60 cups. Through the scalp. If you'll read earlier in the thread, there are links that explain how it may work as it is absorbed in the body (caffeine) and does something to the folicule from the root.

I still haven't got on the caffeine powder, so I'm about to perk some coffee in my french press, and use it in my final acid rinse of my hair. :lol: I hope I can feel the tingle too!
I went to Walmart today and got some Starbucks Extra bold Coffee. I'm was going to get some caffeine powder but I kinda scurred to use it. I think the extra bold coffee rince will do the trick. I'm gonna try it tonight.
No Kiya, you'd have to divide the amount of caffeine by 10 yet again. 0.005 is 5 parts to 1000 parts. So it would be 0.05 ounce to 10 ounces. OR 0.5 (i.e. 1/2) oz to 100 oz. Or 0.25 (i.e. 1/4) ounce to 50 ounces. It's very very dilute. If I were to do this, I think I'd double the concentration the scientists used and use 1 part to 100 parts. Even that would be quite difficult to measure.

Oh, oh. Having now read the original article on the web, I see that it was not just a 0.005 concentration, but a 0.005% concentration. Which would mean that the mixture used was even more dilute - it's 0.005 oz for every 100 oz, or 5 oz contained in every 100,000 oz of their mixture. Wow.

However, maybe what matters is not mimicking the experiment exactly, but instead how much caffeine it's safe to absorb in one go. i've read that it's ok to consume up to 300 mg of caffeine daily, but of course, that's *daily* and absorbing it through your stomach and digestive sytem rather than through your scalp...

Anyone with caffeine products like the Nioxin, Alpecin, etc that people mentioned, has seen what % caffeine they have?
I've had my rinse on for an hour, but no tingle...a lil around ears and neck, but not much on scalp. What gives?
Question, did you just use coffee w/o conditioner? Did you make sure to apply to your scalp? what I did was take half, pour it over, put the rest in a nozzle and part, and squeeze to make sure my scalp received the benefit. I put a blue towel around my neck and it seemed to soak up the coffee but not stain.

Also it doesn't have to tingle. Some areas tingled on me, but mostly it was a feeling of "openness" for lack of a better word. Like my scalp was opening waking up. Does that make sense? Either way, I received good growth last week (but I also do other stuff) and posted it earlier in the thread.
Ok so I'm now dc'ing under a steam cap with keracare humecto and coffee. I washed then I only applied the coffee only to my thin edges, then I put on my keracare throughout my hair for a 30 minute dc. For a few minutes under the cap I felt a pulsing in the areas where I put the coffee. Now I don't feel it anymore. So later this week I'll put it in the rest of my hair. I have 6 minutes left for my dc.
Oh, oh. Having now read the original article on the web, I see that it was not just a 0.005 concentration, but a 0.005% concentration. Which would mean that the mixture used was even more dilute - it's 0.005 oz for every 100 oz, or 5 oz contained in every 100,000 oz of their mixture. Wow.

However, maybe what matters is not mimicking the experiment exactly, but instead how much caffeine it's safe to absorb in one go. i've read that it's ok to consume up to 300 mg of caffeine daily, but of course, that's *daily* and absorbing it through your stomach and digestive sytem rather than through your scalp...

Anyone with caffeine products like the Nioxin, Alpecin, etc that people mentioned, has seen what % caffeine they have?

The tablets I use are 200mg each.
Iiinnnnnnntteresting. The 37% increase in life cycle is what really perked my ears up!

Hrrrrm. I wonder if used grounds could be dried, and then infused into an oil. Hrrrm...... :scratchch

Or if you could just grind up some noDoz. :yep:


I just happened upon this thread. They sell caffeine supplements which are generally used pre-work out for energy and fat burning. I happen to have some for that reason...I'm going to have to read this entire thread to see what you ladies have found in terms of amount to use and how you use it.

I don't think I'll be putting coffee on my head anytime soon... but straight caffeine I can work with... :up:
Well i used straight coffee, no conditioner, i poured on my hair and scalp, making sure it was saturated. i will go back and spritz as well. I think it wakes me up, though, to be honest. the nozzle bottle for scalp concentration is excellent idea. i put coffee in an empty spray bottle and have been aiming at thinner areas...i'll try to do this again tuesday.
i went on line and found this

Home > $9.99 Supplements > Caffeine Pill Supplement 200ct $4.99(Sci-Fit) Compare to Vivarin & No Doze

Sci Fit Caffeine 200ct 200mg

Caffeine Pill Supplement 200ct $4.99(Sci-Fit) Compare to Vivarin & No Doze SciFit81
Regular price: $9.99
Sale price: $4.99

similar to vivarin and no doze...but 200 capsules at 200mg each! Shipping cost may offset the price a little...but, a great deal, i'd say...this is cheaper than folgers and may be more effective, too.

- so for those who are using caffeine pills, how's it going? Do you prefer this than coffee?
I Did It Tonight.1.Cassia Treatment 2.Wash out 3.Peppermint Tea Over Scalp,Used A Spritz Bottle With Coffee In It Sprayed On My Scalp ,Put Conditioner On Hair. Thats It. Very Little Strands Of Hair.(Warm Tingle All Over My Head) Happy Hair Growing!
Report. Hair has been worn in a weekly co-wash-n-go bun for one month. At day's end, when removing satin scrunchie, for the last month, shed hair was always in scrunchie - alot of shed hair in scrunchie. Gripe. Reflect that shedding may be do to seasonal changes. Gripe.

Report. I sprayed Maxwell House XXXStrong Brew (my measurements)yesterday, along hairline and nape and in the middle where i had breakage.

Report. This morning, upon styling hair, 3 hairs in scrunchie. Sprayed Coffee Tonic along hairline and nape before re-applying bun. Report. Tonight, after removing scrunchie, 1 teeny, tiny hair found in scrunchie. Report. Sprayed scalp vigorously with Coffee Tonic again tonight. Will co-wash tomorrow. Will use Maxwell House XXXStrong Coffee as DC and as Leave-In. Will use Coffee Tonic twice daily. Will have waistlength hair in one year.

End of Report.

Thanks and Blessings to you, OP!

Hey Bronze I strained my coffee and put it in a small spray bottle but it keeps clogging the pump. Idk what to do. I steep my coffee and strain with a stalking. I don't have a brewer. I have to figure out what else to do. I want to use it daily.
Tonight I did my coffee rinse.

I used Starbucks Extreme Bold Coffee, that is the strongest that they had. I got it from Wally World.

I brewed it yesterday and got lazy and didnt wash my hair so I just reheated it up today and used it.

I agree with everyone who says that it doesnt tingle, it just feels....different, sorta like your scalp is breathing a sigh of relief or something.

Anyways I hope I get some results!
going to the store tomorrow any suggestions on coffee to buy and best way to apply cause I don't drink coffee or anything other than water and the occasional sonic slush so school me ladies!
Tonight I did my coffee rinse.

I used Starbucks Extreme Bold Coffee, that is the strongest that they had. I got it from Wally World.

I brewed it yesterday and got lazy and didnt wash my hair so I just reheated it up today and used it.

I agree with everyone who says that it doesnt tingle, it just feels....different, sorta like your scalp is breathing a sigh of relief or something.

Anyways I hope I get some results!

I know right? It's like ahhh! But not a tingle, but you know something's happening. Also I have noticed very little if any shedding. I think if it even extends our hair growth stage then it's worth it, as we'll have more hair in a years time than we would if the hair went into rest.
Report. Hair has been worn in a weekly co-wash-n-go bun for one month. At day's end, when removing satin scrunchie, for the last month, shed hair was always in scrunchie - alot of shed hair in scrunchie. Gripe. Reflect that shedding may be do to seasonal changes. Gripe.

Report. I sprayed Maxwell House XXXStrong Brew (my measurements)yesterday, along hairline and nape and in the middle where i had breakage.

Report. This morning, upon styling hair, 3 hairs in scrunchie. Sprayed Coffee Tonic along hairline and nape before re-applying bun. Report. Tonight, after removing scrunchie, 1 teeny, tiny hair found in scrunchie. Report. Sprayed scalp vigorously with Coffee Tonic again tonight. Will co-wash tomorrow. Will use Maxwell House XXXStrong Coffee as DC and as Leave-In. Will use Coffee Tonic twice daily. Will have waistlength hair in one year.

End of Report.

Thanks and Blessings to you, OP!

Are you just using coffee in yours? I'm thinking of doing this.
I wonder if it makes a difference if you baggy for a little while after you spritz or rinse. I've been baggying my hair moments after caffeine spritzing my scalp and leaving it on... TINGLE CITY every single time. :yep: :spinning:
I tried this. Just regular brewed coffee (I think it was maxwellhouse lol) I had alot less shedding and my scalp felt good. I took the grounds mixed with evoo and used as a body scrub. Mama liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes. :yep:
I tried this. Just regular brewed coffee (I think it was maxwellhouse lol) I had alot less shedding and my scalp felt good. I took the grounds mixed with evoo and used as a body scrub. Mama liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes. :yep:
I'mma do this when I get home tonight....

You gave me a great idea.... my son is going to think momma is :nuts:

Momma where you going with those coffee grounds? :confused:

I got some feedback on this thing.

I tried it last night and I have been feeling....something all day along with some the creepy crawlies. You know.....that crawly feeling you get when your hair is growing?

Well his is a keeper.

This along with my BT and I should be MBL by June. I hope. :look:

Anybody who hasnt tried it yet should. All you gonna loose is 1 batch of brewed coffee.