Coconut oil types/ traits/ processes


Well-Known Member
I know many of us use coconut oil, but I am trying to find out some differences to see what is better.

Why does some coconut oil smell like coconut, while others don't?

Jarrow for example, smells yummy, while spectrum doesn't smelll like much of anything

Why does some of it have an amber color once it melts, while other's melt mostly clear

Louanna melts very amber(like beer) while Jarrow and Spectrum are pretty much clear, just a tinge of color

Why does some coconut oil melt at lower temps than others.

I have one I ordered from a cosmetic place and it hardly ever melts just sitting out, unless it is really hot, while my louanna and spectrum melt with the least amount of warmth

Oh, my goodness, just dawned on me that I am a coconut oil junkie---I have four jars in different brands going right now. WOW.
Offhand, I'd say the ones without the smell are refined. The ones that stay hard longer are - sapfonied, I think the word is? to be used in soaps and other solids that can't afford a shifting solid to liquid substances.
The color, I have no clue on - unless maybe they used heat to refine it?
They are all processed differently.

Hmmm... I wonder, are they all unrefined oils?

Offhand, I'd say the ones without the smell are refined. The ones that stay hard longer are - sapfonied, I think the word is? to be used in soaps and other solids that can't afford a shifting solid to liquid substances.
The color, I have no clue on - unless maybe they used heat to refine it?

The Spectrum is refined,
The Jarrow is unrefined(hence the smell)
Louana and the one from the formulator must be refined as well since they have no smell.

I remember cooking some out of a can of coconut milk just to see if it was possible. and it was amber so maybe that is where the color comes from, if it is refined by heat.

Now, I wonder which is better? I know I like the smell, so whenever I run out,which wont be any time soon, I'll get some Jarrow.
I think that the unrefined ones are better, personally - has more of the natural goodies of the coconut oil still in it. :yep:
are you kidding me, Spectrum's does have a smell. i love the way Spectrum's unrefined coconut oil smell. To me, it smells just like a fresh coconut. But as far as the difference, I will leave that up to the other ladies to answer.
Ok, so Jarrow it is. Unless I can find the unrefined spectrum.

When you get Jarrow, make sure you get the one w/ the green label (Extra Virgin) if you are not worried about the coconut smell.

are you kidding me, Spectrum's does have a smell. i love the way Spectrum's unrefined coconut oil smell. To me, it smells just like a fresh coconut. But as far as the difference, I will leave that up to the other ladies to answer.

There is such a thing as Refined Spectrum Essentials Coconut Oil, so maybe that one doesn't have a strong smell. Spectrum unrefined would have a strong coconut smell as you say though. Maybe one can't really tell until you compare the two coz even refined coconut oil may have a slight coconut-y smell.
I've wondered about the differences between all of the different types of coconut oil as well. Last month I bought the Nutiva brand, which is organic and unrefined, based on recommendations from old threads; It's a great product. I think I'm turning into a coconut oil junkie as well, I want all of the brands that have the coconut scent! Lol
I think you must be using the refined coconut oil. Unrefined coconut in its solid form is beautiful and there is no mistaking that it is the real thing when you smell it. I have to store mine in the fridge as it melts quite easily at room temperature.

I truly believe the unrefined coconut oil has done wonders for my ends.
Offhand, I'd say the ones without the smell are refined. The ones that stay hard longer are - sapfonied, I think the word is? to be used in soaps and other solids that can't afford a shifting solid to liquid substances.
The color, I have no clue on - unless maybe they used heat to refine it?

saponified has nothing to do with the type of oil it is. Saponified is the value as to lye and water ration when making soap. There are 3 types that I know of and they are 76, 92 and fractionated. Frac is completely liquid based and the other two are solid and the numbers are they melting degree points. Fractionated is more easily absorbed than the others. I use it for massage or body oils.
saponified has nothing to do with the type of oil it is. Saponified is the value as to lye and water ration when making soap. There are 3 types that I know of and they are 76, 92 and fractionated. Frac is completely liquid based and the other two are solid and the numbers are they melting degree points. Fractionated is more easily absorbed than the others. I use it for massage or body oils.

Thanks! I wasn't sure it was the right word, and that confirmed it. I can't remember what it is - I know FNWL sells two different kinds, and one has a higher melting point than the other, but I can't remember the term they used.
are you kidding me, Spectrum's does have a smell. i love the way Spectrum's unrefined coconut oil smell. To me, it smells just like a fresh coconut. But as far as the difference, I will leave that up to the other ladies to answer.

I have the refined Spectrum coconut oil, it has a slight nutty flavor but it is so slight that you wouldn't notice it.

When you get Jarrow, make sure you get the one w/ the green label (Extra Virgin) if you are not worried about the coconut smell.

Yes, the one with the green label is the one I also use. It was the first one to get me hooked. I'd put my daily teaspoon of it in my hot cereal in the mornings and it was soooooo good. I don't know if any of you cook with the unrefined, but when sugar is added to it, you get a delish coconut flavor---like candy :lick:

There is such a thing as Refined Spectrum Essentials Coconut Oil, so maybe that one doesn't have a strong smell. Spectrum unrefined would have a strong coconut smell as you say though. Maybe one can't really tell until you compare the two coz even refined coconut oil may have a slight coconut-y smell.

Yep, that's the one I have. I didn't see the unrefined, but I'll check with the store I bought it at to see if they sell it
Ok, so Jarrow it is. Unless I can find the unrefined spectrum.

You can purchase the unrefined Spectrum coconut oil from Whole Foods. It is located in their hair product aisle. Its packaged in a short wide-mouth plastic jar. I personally like the refined Sprectrum coconut oil to use for my hair, body, and skin. Its not as heavily textured as the unrefined one. Its a matter of personal choice. I think they all work equally well.