Coconut oil question


Active Member
I'm trying to get my oils together, and so far I've got evoo and castor oil. Now I was trying to find the coconut oil one earlier today, but unfortunately, none of the stores carry it in "oil" form. They only had the LouAna brand but it's a solid consistency. I know nothing about coconut oil at all, except to cook with, so help me, is this the right or wrong one for our hair? I did get it though, since I needed some more anyways. TIA!
coconut oil solidifies at anything below 70 degrees, so that was probably the right kind that you saw.

the unrefined smells like coconuts, while the refined does not. some people prefer one over the other, and from what i understand, they both work the same.
^^^What she said :yep:

Just scoop a little out with your finger and rub it in your palms to melt it :)

I looooove coconut oil, it's one of the only oils that agrees with my hair. It makes my hair so soft and gives a beautiful sheen. Love it.
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Thanks so much ladies!!!:love:

But you know what? All these oils being used, one would be careful that if any oils got on their hands, they wipe/wash it off. When all this time, one could just simply just dab it in the hair, huh? Go figure!!! I've cooked with both EVOO and Coconut oil and I'd wipe my hands on the front of my apron, a paper towel, or a nearby dishrag, when I could have just smoothed it on my hair!:wallbash: Gosh darn it!!
I wonder how many others have done the same thing before finding LHCF! Hmmmmmm................Anyone wanna fess up? LOL:lachen::lachen:
Yeah, they are right about it solidifying, but I actually found a brand that comes in a particular bottle that I guess is insulated because it stays in liquid forum. I also bought the glass jar which remains at a solid and I have to scoop it out, but I like having that convincence. If you want to see a pic of it, its in my fotki under products. It comes in a blue bottle. I think its called parecute. (now if it gets crazy cold, it will turn partially solid, but for the most part it remains pure liquid.... that only happens when I take it outside in this super cold winter weather.)
I have Parachute coconut oil with a nice coconut scent and regular 100% coconut oil with no scent. Both work the same for me and I love them.

The Parachute is slightly less solid.

It I need it to melt quickly, I the jar in a bowl of hot water and that does it.

If I am using it while braiding my hair, I just hold the jar between my thighs and the body heat warms it enough to make it softer for me to use.
I use gold label virgin coconut oil I get from Tropical Traditions (because I used to buy it for my dad to take internally when he was on a coconut oil kick).

I -love- the smell... especially if I take my hair down later in the day and can smell it faintly. :lick:

It sits in the linen closet near my bathroom so if the shower is on the heat will melt the oil a little. If it's completely solid you can just scoop some out with your hands and it will melt almost instantly. I almost prefer it cooler cause then i'm not dripping coconut over myself, the sink, the floor, the nosy cat, etc.

I have coconut cream concentrate from them too and when I remember I take a spoonful each day.
I get mine from Walmart (unrefined extra virgin) in a good size jar for $9. It's a solid, but I kinda like that it is - it reminds me of the days when I used 'grease' for my hair. Ahh..that takes me back :grin:

I do find the solid convenient (IMO) because I scoop up a bit..oil scalp and seal braids w/out the running. :yep:
I get mine from Walmart (unrefined extra virgin) in a good size jar for $9. It's a solid, but I kinda like that it is - it reminds me of the days when I used 'grease' for my hair. Ahh..that takes me back :grin:

I do find the solid convenient (IMO) because I scoop up a bit..oil scalp and seal braids w/out the running. :yep:

Which section did you find th coconut oil in? I tried the cooking oil section, and it wasn't there. I just figured they didn't offer it here, cause this is a small city and we don't have anything worth a damn.
Thanks ladies, I'm going to try this one I got here and see what happens. If no go, then I'll try and get that Parachute one ya'll mentioned! Thanks alot!
" I almost prefer it cooler cause then i'm not dripping coconut over myself, the sink, the floor, the nosy cat, etc. "

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I can definitely agree with that lil nosy heffas (gotta luv em though ) It is easier to use to me too when it is solid

On a serious note though I am in luv with coconut oil. My hair has prospered so greatly since finding this stuff. I order mine off Ebay from a local woman. It's a virgin coconut oil
Which section did you find th coconut oil in? I tried the cooking oil section, and it wasn't there. I just figured they didn't offer it here, cause this is a small city and we don't have anything worth a damn.
You can find it in the vitamin section, at least that's where they have it at my WalMart.