Coconut Oil and EVOO worked wonders on my mom's hair!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Today was my mother's wash and press day. She does not have any chemicals in her hair anymore. She says that she's getting older now and she needed to stop with the coloring and the relaxing. But she does blow dry with a comb attachment and then press her hair. I asked her if I could try an experiment on her hair.

I mixed EVOO with a little melted coconut oil and put it over her dry hair. After letting it sit for 5 minutes, I told her to wash her hair, and condition with AO GPB.

After she finished washing her hair, she went to blow dry it. She came out and told me that the mixture worked wonderfully because detangling was a dream and she only lost a penny size worth of hair during the blow dry.

So the Coconut Oil / EVOO mixture worked on my mom's hair and I can't wait to try it on mine. I was supposed to wash my hair today as well but my mom begged me to wear my twistout for one more day! :)

Who else has had success with this mixture?

*raising hand like a 5 year old* OOOoh me me me me!!! I did! I did! Mixing Coconut oil with EVOO really helped my hair a ton back in 2003-2004. The only reason why I stopped was because it was almost $8.00 for 12 oz. and I am sooo poor!

I used to nuke it in the microwave and then apply to my hair, do housework four an hour and then wash it out.